


1 year, 6 months ago


General Information

Full Name: Homura Hayashi

Nickname(s): Pixel(vigilante alias), Pixie, Pix, Tinkerbell, Strawberry Shortstack, Pinkie, Dollface, The Obliterator, One-Punch Wonder, Bitchel.

Age: 16

Gender: Cisgender Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Place of Birth: Veninax

Date of Birth: April 2nd, 2058.

Star Sign: Aries


Species/Race: Half white & half Japanese. Half human & half mutant.

Occupation: High school student, bounty hunter.

Status: Alive


Height: 5'4" ft
Weight: 145 lbs
Skin Color: 
Warm Ivory
Hair Color: 
Dark brown with hot pink highlights in the front
Hair Style: 
Pigtails with edgy bangs
Eye Color: 
Olive green
Varsity jacket with her symbol on it, a GAME OVERT-Shirt, a black skirt with two white stripes, dark leggings, and dock marten shoes.
Hot pink & black ear piercings, a pink heart bandaid over her nose, and padded gloves for punching.
Usually wears intense eyeliner & mascara with half pink & half black lipstick. A wide, rounded nose with a scar that goes across the bridge of it(hence the bandaid), pear body type (skinny upper body, heavier lower body). 


Weapons: Her fists & legs.
Skills: Knows ju-jitsu and a bit of street-fighting techniques to get by in a scrap.
Abilities: Electric manipulation/absorbing and enhanced physical strength,
Last Resort: Calls for her brother Glitch to help. He helps boost her electricity when she runs out.
Strengths/Feats: Can absorb electricity like a sponge and can wield it to boost her own strength or zap others.
Weaknesses: While she can hit hard and endure quite a bit, she isn't fast and can often be overpowered by speed. 


Family: Glitch/Haruki Hayashi(older brother), Rai Hayashi(father), Roxanne Rivers(mother, deceased).
Love Interest/Crush: 
Ethan Lockheart(ex boyfriend), Yeti/Luka Smirnov(crush & frienemy)
Friends/Allies: Glitch, 
ScrapsSerenadeVenus, and Yeti(sometimes).
Enemies: Ethan Lockheart, Rai Hayashi, Dr. Reznya, Motherdroid, Mama Mae, Dolly Dearest, and Detective Vic Nightingale.

Other Information

Personality: Assertive, aggressive, reckless, impulsive, courageous, loyal, snarky, sassy, rebellious, protective, determined, secretly sensitive, and foul-mouthed.
Likes: Retro video games, martial arts, romance anime and manga, stuffed animals, makeup art, pop/punk music, horror movies, Chinese takeout food, dungeons and dragons, strawberry-based sweets, bunnies, and all things pink.
Dislikes: Being underestimated, sexist beliefs, showing vulnerability, being touched or approached from behind, lazy people, greasy fast food, being called cute or short, feeling unseen or unheard, and country music.
Hobbies: Playing hooky, going to the arcade, punching things, staying out past curfew, shopping at the mall, exercising, and going to rock concerts.
Goals: To become the eventual leader of the group(after she's more mature of course), to stop her father's plan, and to live a simple life once everything's settled.
Habits: A bit of a loud talker, curses every other sentence, often cracks her knuckles before a fight, paces around when stressed, taps fingernails on surface when bored or irritated.
Fears: Being abandoned, becoming unlovable, emotional vulnerability, rejection, and snakes.
Trivia: She was originally created back in 2019 when I had the song "Just Friends" by Marshmello stuck in my head. I thought it would be fun to illustrate a character design based on the song. The character became a sassy teenage girl with a tough yet flirtatious attitude and a LOVE for pink. I ended up liking her design so much that I kept it and began the process of creating her own character lore. She was the third ever character created for the Misfit Mash. Out of all of her designs over the years, she has changed the least. I really only tweaked her colors so they'd be less saturated.


"Game over, loser."

"You think this is a game?!"

"You don't deserve to be part of my dramatic lifespan."

"Punching IS therapy."

"I guess we're doing this the hard way....my favorite."

"Ugh, you're so fucking annoying."