Rai Hayashi




General Information

Full Name: Hayashi Rai(in Japan), Rai Hayashi(in the US)

Nickname(s): Mr. Hayashi, Hayashi-san, Thunder Tyrant, Corporate C*nt(by Serenade), The Storm.

Age: 53

Gender: Cisgender Male

Pronouns: He/him

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.

Date of Birth: December 22nd, 2021.

Star Sign: Capricorn


Species/Race: Storm Mutant, Japanese.

Occupation: CEO of Arashi Inc. Electronic Engineer.

Status: Alive


Height: 5'4"ft.

Weight: 140 lbs

Skin Color: Warm ivory

Hair Color: Black with some grey hairs on the sides.

Hair Style: Short and neat(while out in public), disheveled and greasy when alone.

Eye Color: Stormy grey.

Clothing: A grey suit with blue trim and a pale red tie. Black dress shoes.

Accessories: Square framed glasses with blue tinted lenses, and a sliver pin in the shape of a lightning bolt on his suit.

Features: Fairly wrinkled skin, particularly on his forehead and has crows feet by his eyes. Prominent cheek bones due to being slim, and thick eye brows. While it's mostly covered by his suit, he has a couple of scales on his back, shoulders, and neck.


Weapons: None

Skills: Jiu Jitsu, making him an intimidating opponent in hand to hand combat. 

Abilities: Thunderstorm Manipulation, Lightning generation, levitation.

Last Resort: Absorbs all of the electric energy in his proximity and blasts his foes with lightning. 

Strengths/Feats: He is very agile and delivers devastatingly strong blows due to his martial arts training and storm-based powers.

Weaknesses: While his storm manipulation is powerful, it also leaves him very vulnerable. He uses all of his energy for the use of his powers and lets his guard down during the process. This is why he usually prefers the company of body guards in case something is faster than he is.


Family: Kasumi Hayashi(mother, deceased), Ryuji Hayashi(father, deceased), Haruki Hayashi(eldest son), and Homura Hayashi(youngest daughter).

Love Interest/Crush: Roxanne Rivers(wife & mother of his children, deceased).

Friends/Allies: Dr. Reznya(main partner in crime, confidant), Mama Mae(supplier), and Dolly Dearest(model/spokesperson).

Enemies: Pixel, Glitch, Serenade, Scraps, Yeti, Venus, Graham.

Other Information

Personality: Outwardly appears as warm-hearted, generous, and kind with the city's best interest at heart. But beneath his alter ego is a miserable man who's gone mad with grief. He is extremely intelligent, cold, calculating, thorough, organized, resentful, manipulative, determined, strategic, demanding, and has a pretty nasty temper(guess who he passed that last part down to.) At his best he was once a passionate, innovative, hard-working father and a great teacher. But he has lost those qualities ever since the unfortunate death of his wife. His main purpose of living is to get his revenge, despite his children's disapproval.

Likes: Wine and cheese, bonsai trees, martial arts, his wife, jazz bars, massages, everything going according to plan, being on time, the smell of fresh flowers, going to the beach, and reading sci-fi novels.

Dislikes: Humans, mutants, his suit getting dirty, comments about his height, being late, meetings getting interrupted, threats against his image, being kept waiting, disobedience, and whiskey.

Hobbies: Practicing his martial arts training, holding "business" meetings, making new clients, trimming his bonsai trees, walking in his garden, listening to smooth jazz, and mediating.

Goals: To avenge his wife and get revenge on the humans for killing her and on fellow mutants for abandoning his cause, to take over Veninax, and to get his children back. 

Habits: Polishes his glasses whenever he's beginning to get angry, paces around his office when he's stressed, stirs his morning tea continuously.

Fears: To be revealed for who he truly is in front of the city, to fail in his revenge mission.

Trivia: Rai is a masculine Japanese name that means "lightning" or "thunder". He is from a long line of pureblood mutants that descended from Japanese storm dragons. Since it has been many years, no one currently alive in the Hayashi family tree can turn into dragons. But a lot of living descendants have electric & storm based abilities and slightly reptilian features that were leftover. Rai for instance has sharper canines, stormy eyes, and a couple of scales on his body. Pixel and Glitch do not have scales, but they do have unusual teeth and electric abilities. Before Rai lost his wife, he was much more patient and kinder towards his children, even going as far as teaching them Jiu Jitsu. But after she was murdered, it became hard for him to show any love or look at his kids directly since they look like her, especially Pixel. Glitch was going to be heir to Arashi Inc after Rai passed on, but that ship has sailed since both siblings rebelled and left their father.
