


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


He is brave and charismatic! Nothing scares him and he will face any adversary for the greater good. Charismatically speaking, everyone loves him and wants to please him. He can do no wrong. Whether this is by magic or natural charm, who knows.


He perhaps is brave to a fault. He will often run off half cocked with the first random plot that pops into his little brain. Even in his own mind he can do no wrong. There are only two sides. Good and evil, and there is no grey area or middle ground. In his mind, his brother is pure evil and has his mother under a spell. As a result, Arcorin is always picking fights and trying to make his brother look bad. Perhaps no one succumbs to his charm more than Shining Armor. Surly his son could not tell a lie!


Nov 28


With stripes and blue hair it was easy to tell who this fellow belonged too. Zacora was intrigued and willing to welcome the foal into the forest with her, however Shining Armor wanted him as well. He and Cadence had wanted a foal so badly and this little guy, while not an alicorn, would make just a good prince as any. Zacora cautioned the two new parents in each having an obvious favored foal, but they were confident they could love both equally. At least Cadence was. Arcorin is a noble little princling and quite the warrior. He wants to defend the castle and rescue the princess. A true prince charming in the making. He has a tendancy to speak in riddles and rhymes at times, but usually does so with a smirk an a grin. He doesn't mind being on his own or taking charge when needed. All in all he is quite a nice mix.