Raven Laidn



6 years, 1 month ago


Sir Raven Laidn

Basic Info
Name Raven Laidn

Nickname N/A

Birthday 17th of April

Star Sign Aries ♈

Age 25

Gender Male (He/Him)

Height 6'0" (163cm)

Species Human/

Hair Colour Green

Eye Colour Green

Occupation Knight

Flower Potentilla

Status Alive / Single

Orientation Heterosexual...probably?






  • Cooking
  • Repetitive tasks (helps him relax)
  • Organizing and hosting events/gatherings
  • Weapon maintenance
  • Classical music
  • Small animals (but they're scared of him)
  • Witnessing abuse of power/corruption
  • Being alone
  • Carelessness/recklessness
  • Feeling out of control/vulnerable
  • Being touched by most
  • Ear grating noises
+ Reserved and calm; able to remain calm under pressure (most of the time.)
+ His praise is highly sought after and has significant weight to it.
+ Professional and diligent.
+ Can objectively weigh the strengths and weaknesses of his forces and optimizes them.
+ Fiercely loyal to those he cares about.
- Stubborn in his views.
- Will often make decisions on behalf of others without consulting them first, believing he knows best.
- Tends to assume the worst of people. Secretly gets very nervous if someone he trusts isn't nearby.
- Doesn't believe positive feedback is particularly helpful, making him a harsh, unfriendly teacher.
- Very guarded; difficult to get to know on a personal level.
  • Lead us, General - Lacking magical ability, Raven focuses almost solely on close range combat and command. He has strong leadership skills that turns the tides of many battles. He specializes in heavy weaponry, and his go-to weapon of choice is a large, heavy halberd he can swing with alarming ease.
  • ??? - ???


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna. Aenean est ligula, sodales dictum enim at, luctus mattis odio. Duis consectetur, diam vitae elementum maximus, purus lorem consequat sem, et varius ipsum leo in nunc. Nulla leo elit, sagittis vel dolor eu, fermentum volutpat tortor. Donec a nisl nisi.

Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui. Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta. Nulla finibus molestie elit, et interdum ligula. Vivamus commodo, tortor elementum pharetra viverra, quam magna hendrerit risus, et viverra mi ligula sit amet urna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna. Aenean est ligula, sodales dictum enim at, luctus mattis odio. Duis consectetur, diam vitae elementum maximus, purus lorem consequat sem, et varius ipsum leo in nunc. Nulla leo elit, sagittis vel dolor eu, fermentum volutpat tortor. Donec a nisl nisi.

Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui. Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta. Nulla finibus molestie elit, et interdum ligula. Vivamus commodo, tortor elementum pharetra viverra, quam magna hendrerit risus, et viverra mi ligula sit amet urna.

  • Small animals are naturally intimidated by him and will generally run away from him. 
  • Raven also can't seem to fish effectively because the fish seem to sense him.
  • He is more comfortable around women than men.
  • He is generally uncomfortable being touched and will flinch if touched suddenly. Even so, he craves affection. He is forever grateful that his friend, Claire, and his mother, Attina, are such affectionate people.
  • Raven knows sign language, though some of the symbols he uses seem unfamiliar.

Sir Nathan Laidn Younger Brother / Junior Knight

The first time they properly was when Nathan was 7 years old. He worried his younger brother's seemingly carefree attitude would make him vulnerable, so was strict with him from the start without explanation, unintentionally driving a wedge between them. Despite that, they rely on one another and trust eachother deeply.

Attina Laidn Mother

Raven formed a strong bond with his mother from a young age, especially as when he was little, he was much more timid. When his position as a Page tore him from his mother, he felt crushed and betrayed, not understanding why. He now understands it was not Attina's fault, as is still as close to her to this day.

Claire Best Friend / Fellow Knight

As children, Claire was the far more outgoing of the two, acting as his guide and first friend. In later years when faced with great hardship, she was the only person who was able to coax Raven out of his shell and into telling her the truth. Raven truly considers her his savior and cherishes her, although he struggles to express this.

Prince Eric Ignatius Prince / Charge

With Eric being his charge, Raven sees it as his responsibility to whip him into shape. They often argue, though some of Raven's anger is fueled by protectiveness towards Nathan, who is immensely fond of Eric. While Raven worries about Eric's capabilities, he feels potential from him when he's with the people.

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Sir Reuben Lilium Junior Knight

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.