


1 year, 2 months ago



Franc is one of the caporegimes within Passione. He seems to be a trusted, high ranking member of the gang and a well respected capo. He's mainly feared because of his cold and strong personality and his unafraid attitude towards other members. He's very close to Risotto Nero, as when Risotto first joined, Franc was in charge of him. Franc once again keeps an eye on Risotto when the boss asks him to. Franc is intensely protective over his only daughter, Anastasia, but tries to keep her as hidden as possible.

Franc's reason for joining the mafia was that he fell into financial trouble after the death of his wife. He decided to put his strength to good use. He then gained his stand ability,「Coal Chamber」

Francesco Ciliegia



12th January








  • Coffee
  • Spending time with Ana
  • Reading
  • Black Sabbath
  • Missions with no hassle


  • Mold
  • Time wasters
  • Tea
  • Being overly praised
  • Anyone untrustworthy




  • "Ciliegia" is "Cherry" in Italian
  • Franc gave orders to Bruno to keep an eye on Anaastasia when they were both young, unknowingly being the cause of their slowly evolving romance (which he hates very, very much)
  • Franc's eye scar was given to him by Cioccolata after pushing the doctor a bit too far, to this day, Cioccolata is the only person that Franc is genuinely afraid of.


Anastasia Ciliegia Daughter

Anastasia is Franc's entire world. He cares more about Ana than anything else. This means that he's extremely overprotective of her and doesn't allow her to leave her home alone. He also doesn't allow her to dress in bright colours or extreme outfits to avoid her standing out. He's just concerned for her safety. He forbids Bruno from seeing his daughter, but sometimes catches him sneaking off from Ana's direction. He's never happy about it.

Risotto Nero Friend

Franc and Risotto have known each other for a long time, since Risotto had first joined Passione. Franc just saw him as a young man who got dealt a pretty shitty hand, so was determined to take him under his wing. Risotto was already strong, becoming the leader of La Squadra Esecuzioni, but was clearly dissatisfied with the Boss' treatment of them. Franc is sent to watch over them occasionally, trying to convince Risotto to keep his head down, but to no avail. Franc has immense respect for Risotto and almost sees him as a son, he just can't control Risotto or what he chooses to do with his squad, even if what he does gets his entire squad wiped out.

Torta Glassatura Friend

Another capo from Passione, Torta used to be in Franc's team before he pushed for her to become capo after seeing her potential. Franc knows that Torta is naturally very airheaded, but her power is second to none. He's well aware of her capabilities. Torta marrying Risotto was an unexpected devlopment, but not an unwelcome one.

Impasto Nero Godson

Impasto is Franc's godson, they don't see each other often, but Franc does care for him. Much like Anastasia, Impasto has been instructed to keep out of Passione's business. Franc tries to make sure Impasto stays out of trouble. He's also highly against Impasto interacting with Anastasia, so the two aren't familiar with each other.

Bruno Bucciarati ...

Francesco doesn't particularly have a high opinion on Bucciarati, but solely because Bucciarati is set on courting Franc's daughter, Anastasia. Franc can't deny Bruno is good at his work, and he did his job to keep Anastasia protected when they were growing up.

Squadra Esecuzioni Risotto's Team

Time wasters, as Franc would call them. Well, maybe he's being too harsh. Franc is in charge of looking over the execution team on the boss' orders. He handles them and makes sure they don't step out of line. He seems to give them some slack due to Risotto, but he doesn't care at all for the other members.

Diavolo Boss

Franc of course knows nothing about the boss and is fine keeping it that way. He's not even curious, he doesn't even care. He wakes up, does what the boss asks of him and goes home. That's Franc's life and he's quite comfortable with it. It's clear that Diavolo has some kind of trust towards Franc, since Franc has been around so long with no signs of betrayal. It's why Franc is trusted to keep an eye on Squadra.

Vinegar Doppio Co-Worker

Another time waster that Franc is quite familiar with. Franc does not see Doppio as his equal, just a little messenger boy for the boss.

Cioccolata Enemy

The only man who genuinely terrifies Franc. Perhaps if Franc hadn't acted overly cocky in his youth, he wouldn't have gotten his eye taken out. Anytime Franc sees mold, he flinches just a little.