


1 year, 1 month ago


Story: Unknown
Age: 25
Height: 6'2
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her

Julianna is the second oldest sister of the Amicamea family. She prides herself on her reputation and talents, and is a very respected individual outside of the Amicamea household. However, she has always had a quick temper, something her sisters like to take advantage of. She can't help that she seems to be bothered by things the others don't care about, no matter how many times she very patiently explains to them that yes, the lights do make a loud buzzing noise and she would very much appreciate keeping the larger ones off in favor of smaller lamps.

Despite her own frustrations, with her family and herself, she cares about them deeply. She wouldn't be who she is without them, and credits them as the motivation behind many of her successful projects and business ventures. In return, despite how often they antagonize her, all of her family members come to any important events Julianna is invited to or featured in. They care about each other, and Julianna is always reminded of this when it matters most.

Julianna gets along best with Hestia and Phoenix. Hestia is the only one of the sisters who does not actively try to poke fun at Julianna, something she desperately needs every once in a while. The two have very fun elder sister conversations when they're alone, and Julianna treasures the time she spends with Hestia above all else. Phoenix, while sometimes getting roped into jokes at her expense, will always check with Julianna to make sure she's feeling okay, and takes her suggestions seriously when she asks to turn off lights or get a different dinner. He never questions it, and she is grateful to him for it.