


6 years, 1 month ago



Name Adden
Gender Male
Physical Age 22
Actual Age 204
Height 4'2
Weight 56lbs
Birthday April 22nd
Job Tour Guide

Adden is the official tour guide for Astalus 02. He works very hard to introduce newcomers to the planet and culture as well as integrate visiting Comet Dividers. He's often very busy at his job and also works as an event organizer for major festivals in the capital city of Empier where he lives. In his sparse free time, he helps out at local shops and visits neighboring planets. Sometimes, he's also tasked with travelling into far-out galaxies to meet with other nations or advertise social events. As such, Adden is incredibly cultured, open-minded, and super friendly. He's not one to give up easily, but he can get frustrated if he doesn't instantly understand something-especially if that something is someone else's ideas. While he is open and sociable, he can be very defensive and come off as stubborn when talking about his friends and people. Overall, though, Adden maintains a strong conviction and belief that there is some good in everyone.


  • Making new friends
  • Travelling
  • Orange-flavored popsicles
  • Lollipops


  • Misunderstandings
  • Darkness
  • Cloudy skies
  • Being rushed


Eye Star-Shaped (Common)
Antennae 1, Heart Bauble (Common)
Tails 2, String & Heart (Common)
Wings Demonic (Uncommon)
Marking Rare
Ears 1


His wings are made of sunstone and slate.

He keeps local candies to give to newcomers.

Sometimes he forgets to wear his eyepatch to work.

He thinks shorts and one-pieces look good on basically everyone.

He's very good at keeping secrets and is trusted by most of the community.



Astra & Lunara [ Creators ]

Adden is a very devout follower of Astra and Lunara. While he hasn't met them formally in-person yet, they have reported that they view him in a positive light as an exceptional worker.


Weiss [ Friend ]

Adden is a very close friend of Weiss. He found him alone on a cold and distant planet heading far from any civilization when Weiss was only 5 years old. After searching for his parents to no avail, Adden took him to Astalus 02 to be raised. As much as Weiss wouldn't want to admit it, they see each other as brothers. Adden now frequents the library and helps Weiss organize and answer visitor's questions in his free time.


Rosa [ Friend ]

Adden highly respects her as a former knight and frequents her store for everyday errands. As part of his work, he's familiar with the entire knight's roster. He met her soon after her last training session before she quit. Rosa appreciates his work and sometimes asks him to help with her stock. Adden's had a bit of a crush on her for a while, a fact that Weiss often teases him for.

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