Aengus Virelai



1 year, 15 days ago


- solana and maeva's dad

actually im gonna just copypaste from discord hehe:

- ive recently decided that he was a pirate before marrying into  nobility; everyone in the family thought it was a bad idea but solana's  mom gave them all the big middle finger

- he is Very Large, ppl wonder why his children arent also Very Large  and it's because his Very Largeness is due to the type of magic he uses;  he can enhance his own body similarly to like. deku and all might in  bnha. it worked out to his favor in his pirate days because if people  weren't intimidated by his size they tended to assume he was Dumb  Muscle™ and severely underestimated him in battle and parley bc truly he  is a galaxy brain muscle wizard and still is even though hes also a  pudgy balding nobleman. do not mess with aengus virelai. i think that  was his name. i think the only place i had it written down was charahub  so it doesnt matter anyway and that is the name that is in my head

- he is an actual sjw shill and fully supportive of his daughter leading a revolution that successfuly deposed the church and state of multiple nations

- him and solana's mom catrine were the bi power couple of nocturna who took great pleasure in threatening the stuffy noble establishment and uplifting the common folk and probably would have started a revolution themselves if catrine didn't go missing at some point for Reasons™

honestly he'll probably end up at hell college someday to pass on his muscle wizardry to the youth of entirety

bonus later note: he's the de-facto leader and representative of the city-state of  nocturna now that god-queen noctalle has been toppled and hadris's  empire has moved in.

big dad energy also