Nox Everthrone



1 year, 1 month ago


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Nox Everthrone
Clairvoyant Affinity
21st September
First Lieutenant of Ambury
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lackadaisical · apathetic · cavalier

Nox Everthrone was born Nox Vigil, with a passive Clairvoyant Affinity but a powerful magical core. At the time, incarnates with passive affinities were often ignored by larger factions, forcing them to form official and unofficial factions, largely weaker (and/or seen as weaker) than factions made up of majority active affinity incarnates.

One such exception to this was unofficial faction Velnura, a faction made up of passive afinity incarnates with powerful cores. Nox Vigil, was taken in by the leader and founder of Velnura, Vivian Vivify, and her younger sister Valerie Vivify— both sisters having passive Support Affinities.

Nox was an unflinching, cold force of nature, second in command to only Vivian herself. They were extremely valuable to Velnura— not afraid to kill if necessary. At sixteen years old, they met famed incarnate Reine Everthrone, corresponding with her in private.

Just over a year later, Vivian had a Core Instability due to Magic Exhaustion on a mission. She became a phantom, and Nox was forced to kill her.

Valerie blamed Nox for their part in Vivian's death (despite the fact she was already a phantom) and their inability to forsee this despite their clairvoyance. Nox defected from Velnura, sheltered by Everthrone. She officially adopted them and formed Ambury, the first major faction to accomodate both passive and active affinities. They became largely apathetic to the world around them, acting lazy and never taking anything seriously.

Around 6 years later, Nox inducted 17 year old Eliot Liu into Ambury, just as they were about to fail to meet their quota. Finding a kindred spirit in the fact that they both had passive Clairvoyant Affinities and powerful magical cores, the two became very close as field partners. Eliot became a younger brother figure to them, and encouraged them to enjoy their future and make it something they would enjoy, contrary to the fatalistic, apathetic attitude that Clairvoyant Incarnates often adopt.

Nox ran from their past, but just a year after Eliot's induction, it caught up to them. They were murdered at 24 by Velnura leader Valerie Vivify.

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