


6 years, 14 days ago



NameEdward Theodore D'Arsay
SpeciesHuman ...?
BuildAverage, nearing firmer/wider


HealthUnknown true condition; firey constitution...
SignLeo (August 18th)
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
StatusIt's complicated...
Eye colorWhite iris and sclera
Skin colorGray
Hair colorNone (black head, green flame)


Total hot-headed human guy.
What do you mean he doesn't look human..?

Got a problem with the way he looks?!

You can choose to believe if he has a cool origin story, but truth be told, Eddie grew up on a few labplanets with his nerdy loser parents.
It wasn't so bad causing havoc on all the neighbor nerds roaming planetside as he grew up, but when he was old enough to start being expected to take care of himself, he couldn't compete with all the dorks; he didn't like science, and he sure as hell couldn't even keep up in the math department (no, he ain't dumb, but damn, he's just not... a total lame ass who likes to waste his time with useless details)...
So that's the story of how all those punk ass nerds thought it was hiiiiiilarious to watch the tables get turned and constantly see Eddie skulk across the planets he grew up on, being used as a Live Study since he knew no other way to make a means of living... 

Sometimes accidents happen. And... as the scientists who had caused Eddie's new misfortune had said to the recovering fella with his flame-face: "At least you're not dead, right?"

Eddie's since left his usual haunts, not really in the mood to be pitied and laughed at by all those dorks he grew up with. He certainly hasn't outgrown his temper, or his rotten attitude. From time to time he returns, if only to get updates and touch on concerns regarding his 'condition', as it changed quite a bit about his constitution.
In a sense, he isn't really human anymore, but he also isn't anything in particular that most xenobiologists have been studying up on (closest match would be something like a Plasmid, but even then, nowhere near similar)... His lifespan has jumped from the 150-year average to 300 years, as well as being able to keep sustained on drink and pure energy, rather than food.

His work, on the outcrop of those hoity toity labplanets, now leaves him just flipping burgers. At least he can make enough to afford a little 400 sqft apartment-cube, planetside. Better than a ship, he reminds himself every night, taking deep breaths to avoid combusting any organic objects in his bedspace. Better'n a ship, god dammit.

Outfits are usually casual, only donning his spiked-shouldered jacket after a work shift. So, normally seen in just a plain t-shirt, and jeans... He doesn't care how dirty and nasty his jeans are, so I wouldn't recommend eating at the place he 'cooks' for...

His default look, face-wise, is the smoldering/singed appearance. When he gets angry, the flames come without provocation. BUT he can make them come at will as well-- he usually avoids it to keep others from freaking out.
Honestly, if he wants to "impress" or intimidate, he does it then, too. And boy does he like to make a good impression if he can help it, haha.
Also, the flames can't change color.
It's important to note that he often gets put in 'time out' to let the smoke clear after stopping the flames.   


  • Independence; solitary moments
  • Music (no favorite genre, loves checking out everything)
  • "You're so unique!" He knows, and he loves hearing it every time


  • Music listening and critiquing (the latter via writing)
  • Nowadays, biology, and other sciences by proxy (for his 'condition')
  • Getting laid a date that'll actually stick around


  • Worrywarts who scream when his head ignites
  • Wannabe tough guys. Nobody tolerates being immolated with a headbutt, end of story
  • Fake fans of music. Name five top albums RIGHT NOW, lame ass


  • Though he loves doing critic articles for music, and even uses a pseudonym, he is constantly berated and treated just the same over the FC datanets as if all his haters in real life know it's him.
    He has no idea that his opinions are too 'out-there' and unrelatable, just figures everyone is out to get him.
  • Actually quite composed and eloquent with his writing. As written above, he isn't dumb, just a total jerk and wannabe tough guy (he sells it well).
  • Despite having a sardine can for an 'apartment', he loves his space and spends as much time as possible there.
  • Pretty clingy due to his rotten personality and now fiery head keeping him from actually keeping his love life afloat.
  • Probably would die if told not to curse or talk trash about anyone/anything.
  • Can drink most things humans can't. Ex: battery acid, mercury, bleach...

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