Eddie (Mega trivia)



Trivia that doesn't fit on the main page but is still canon....

- American accent, not from Earth though.
   He's fully human (or was) ofc! It's just in the FC, more often than not, Humans don't originate from Earth that far into the future.
   His homeplanet was Praxis IX. The whole Praxis system (planets I through X) are dedicated labplanets.

- Before his 'accident', his skin tone was dusty tan, and his hair color was black. He usually kept it short, and sometimes even shaved, so it wasn't a big deal to see that go, for him.

- For some reason, he can still eat, and retain nutrition, but not nearly as much as a normal human. The flavor is completely gone, too. Sometimes it's easier just to avoid it; cheaper that way.

- All in all he can't smell, nor taste. It's kind of an issue, considering he has worries that it's not his attitude that runs him off, but maybe smelling bad or something. XD

- Used to be self-conscious about his looks at first (when changed), but "after thinking about all the freaks I see through the galaxy, sometimes daily, I remember that I don't look half bad. Heh."

- His family, way back when, used to own a successful business. Apparently that had long been wrecked, though, and when he used to ask, he'd get a different answer as to what they sold, every time.

- Pretty lazy for the social norm of his era. Doesn't have a 'goal' in mind, and doesn't really care.

- Would love to own a motorbike of his own, but isn't pressed to try and work extra to save up for it...
   he's used to taking public transit. in fact, public transit is more common on the planet he currently lives on than any other mode of transportation, so having a motorbike would just make him stand out even further.

- His favorite genre of music would probably be akin to what we think is 'industrial'. But since this is a sci-fi setting, I'm sure it's something we've not considered or comprehended just yet   

- Doesn't own a single pair of regular shoes or sandals. Nothing but boots.

- Has a nice singing voice, but is one of the few things he isn't sure about and doesn't care to show off.