Tabitha Millis



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Tabitha Millis


SoS Engineer name TBD








Student, Engineer Tank for the Enderrise of Sector of Spacecraft (SoS)





Significant Other

Jeremy Tate (BFF/boyfriend)

Creation Year



Mindy Millis (younger sister), Elmer Millis (father), Juniper Millis (mother)


Bellevue, NE, USA - Taliac

Current Home

Bellevue, NE, USA - Taliac


Physical Appearance

  • Elbow-length red hair almost always worn up in either high pigtails or pigtail braids
  • Blue eyes
  • Fair skinned
  • Somewhat short in height
  • A little chubby but also surprisingly muscled for her size (strong enough to carry Jeremy with ease)
  • Has dental braces that give her a mild lisp

Clothing Style

Tabitha tends to wear mostly red outfits, and her favorite pattern is polka-dots. She usually appears rather well dressed, usually wearing button up shirts with skirts and either black leggings or long socks. She usually wears flats or no-heel Mary Janes as footwear, and she often likes to wear light colored (usually beige) scarves or other neck wraps. Her favorite jacket is a red pea-coat, and she always wears black, thick-framed, cat eye glasses.

She only really breaks out of this style if she's cosplaying, and she tends to cosplay as tough or heavily armored characters, male or female.


Tabitha is very boisterous and enthusiastic in whatever she puts her mind to, and she rarely seems to break out of her nerdy mindset that she applies to everything. She purposely tends to speak as if she were reading from an MMO chatbox, so her terminology tends to be filled with gamer jargon, acronyms, and even chat or 1337 speech. She can be a little difficult to get used to or get along with if you don't already have an appreciation of video games or technology in general, and she is very confident, sassy, and over the top about everything. Tabitha is also a highly competitive person when gaming, but she's never a sore loser and is never seriously hard on the people she teams up with if they make mistakes. She loves to have fun with her games while also crushing her competition wherever she goes, and she gets even more over the top when playing with Jeremy, who tends to act as the normal one to balance things out.


  • Tek rifting - rank 2/5
  • Hardcore mad skillz in SoS
  • Skilled with computers and technology in general
  • Skilled at playing trumpet, at least in terms of reading music and playing the notes properly; she tends to play a little too loud though


  • Confident, unabashed, and never succumbs to teasing or peer pressure
  • Energetic, high stamina, and physically strong
  • Intelligent, clever, and skilled with technology
  • Creative, thoughtful, and great with world-building or theory creating


  • Easily provoked and rarely backs down from a challenge
  • Competitive and over the top with almost everything
  • Not terribly professional or traditionally "mature"
  • Loud, a little hyperactive, and difficult to reign in


The fearsome engineer-class tank of the Enderrise, the best PvP group on the American servers of Sector of Spacecraft. IRL, fearsome nerd-class student.

Tabitha currently attends the Hateulots private school system for her Tek rifting skills along with her younger sister, Mindy. The two live in town with their parents, and Tabitha goes about her life, excelling in her studies and crushing the competition in online PvP in various games, particularly in SoS. Tabitha has known Jeremy since he moved there, and they have been best friends ever since, and more recently they've considered each other more of a couple (albeit a nerdy, over the top, and rather young and goofy gamer couple, but a couple nonetheless).


  • The name "Tabitha Millis" comes from a character from stories my dad would tell me and my sister, along with her sister Mindy. They were both relatively normal gals in a strange and wonky world. XD They're not related in any way to those characters and just a bit of homage.
  • Apparently she was originally meant to live only with her sister and her single mother. I don't remember when or why I made that choice, but that's not the case anymore.