


8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Hair colour

Bright green

Eye colour

Dark green

Skin colour

Grey w/ greenish hue

Skin markings

Freckles (light yellow)





Zekei first met ieie on WINDY planet. He was unconscious and she found him in one of the junk sites while looking for spare machine parts. Like all angelbots, he is originally from WATER planet.

Despite being an angelbot, he behaves a bit more erradically and shows more emotion than normal. This is due to the rushed programming used on him.
His actual personality is very sweet, caring and sensitive. He is a gentle kid who cares for animals and is always fascinated by the world around him.

His mother worked in one of the main manufacturing buildings on WATER planet, and upon learning of its secrets, tried to get the information out to the public. Like many before who who tried something similar, she was unsuccessful and was arrested (by Jerkovski). Zekei happened to be there at the time since it was her scheduled time to come off work, and witnessed her arrest. Jerkovski also took Zekei with him, and brought them both to one of the inner labs. After assaulting her, Jerkovski forced her into one of the morphing machines and she was eventually turned into a skukun. Jerkovski then turned on Zekei and pushed him into one of the angelbot machines. Programming not being his strong suit, Jerkovski rushed through the process as this was merely a way to make sure the one person who witnessed what happened to his mother would stay quiet. Zekei's mother watched helplessly as he was placed into one of the space transport tubes and sent away.

The next time Zekei wakes up, he is on WINDY planet with ieie. Due to the effects of the halotennae, he has no memory of what happened while on WATER planet, who he is or how he got there, except for his name. He also exibits some typical angelbot qualities like increased IQ, and access to the knowledge base implanted into the halotennae, allowing him to be quite a valuable asset to ieie. Since ieie managed to tap into his program, she essentially became his assigned master, and Zekei would be able to take basic orders from her (though she rarely orders him to do anything because she finds this morally wrong).

When ieie and Zekei reach the WATER planet, Zekei is reunited with his mother. Unfortunately she is still in skukun form, and Zekei still cannot remember what happened, therefore not recognizing her. He "adopts" this skukun as a sort of pet and the two become inseperable. ieie senses there is a deeper connection with the creature and Zekei and vows to get his memory back.

Later on, they eventually meet up with VRKL and his gang. At this point, Francis has joined their team. Upon seeing Jerkovski again, Zekei shortcircuits and loses consciousness since his underlying memories begin overflowing the halotennae which was inadequately programmed to suppress human emotions. This causes ieie to panic and she runs back with Zekei to her spacecraft to try and revive him. She frantically searches for a way to save Zekei. Eventually ieie is successful, and actually manages to break the code suppressing his memory and emotions. Zekei then explains what happened to him and his mother and ieie decides to try and stop Jerkovski, as well as put an end to the angelbot project.