(FT) Winter Invercio



1 year, 1 month ago


Winter Invercio

AGE 30
HEIGHT 167 cm
SEXUALITY Doesn't care
Role Leader
MAGIC Celestial Spirit Mage:
Gold Keys:
Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Aquarius
Silver Keys:
Canis Major (Canis), Lynx (Lynx), Peacock (Pavo), Eagle (Aquila),


In most circles Winter is known as a ruthless person, willing to do everything to get what she wants. This mostly lines up with reality, but she's also loyal towards the people she puts alot of trust into. She would never allow harm to come to them.

Winter is known as a patient person in her close circles. She's a planner first but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. If she has an idea she will discuss it with her guildmates first before working it over. Her long term goal is to take out the company Soulworld, it's CEO Blight Cattivo and all the other high paid people there. Winter has no regrets or qualms when it comes to taking out Soulworld. She does make sure that the workers under Soulworld see no harm come to them. The company did her great harm, starting in her early childhood. She will not rest until Soulworld is wiped from the face of the earth.




Winter wasn't always the ruthless person she's known as in some circles. There was a foundation laid in her childhood.

Early Childhood

She grew up in the village Moonshore. It was a quiet and small village in the east of Fiore mostly making a living by trading the farm goods with other villages in the area. One day the company Soulworld established themselves in the village. They were a starter company. Soon they took over the town, forcing the people into new jobs and getting rid of the previous trade based economy for a money based one. The CEO Blight Cattivo also decided to not pay the workers enough money so they could afford living there.

Winter soon found out about a restistance forming against Soulworld. She took part in it, ending up injured multiple times. After one protest which ended particulary violent, all the protestors were arrested including Winter. The working conditions became harsher from then on, but the protests and strikes didn't stop. Blight Cattivo had alot of patience and arrested them again and again. But after two years of protests and strikes he started to publicly murder some protesters. Among them some of Winters friends.

Teenage Years

The reign of Soulworld continued. Winter grew angrier and angrier with each year. She started to look for other solutions to getting Soulworld out of the village. While hiding from the guards in a burnt down house, she found Lynx Key.
Desperate to use them as the solution she made a contract with them. While Lynx offered their help, they condoned Winters strategy of killing Blight Cattivo. Lynx suggested to flee the village and get help from outside. Winter didn't want to leave and tried to convince Lynx of her plan.
Lynx used the argument, that getting help from a magic guild, a legal one at that, could potentially be a much bigger help to the village. When she told the plan to the other protesters they agreed she should leave, due to being one of the youngest members and being able to use magic. She set out to join Mermaid Heel.

Life in Mermaid Heel

It took Winter alot of time to adjust to a guild setting. She had found Mermaid Heel and could join them without problems. Soon after she joined she talked to the guildmaster about helping out Moonshore. They agreed to help out when and where they could. But due to being a legal guild they had restrictions. In this time Souldworld had expanded their reign over the neighbouring villages of Moonshore.

She met Skylar during her time with Mermaid Heel. Skylar was from one of the neighbouring villages and was injured during her work. Mermaid Heel saved the people in the building and brought them to their guild. Winter still felt like they could do more. She left the guild a while later, having plans of starting her own guild.

Founding of Phoenix Claw

Along with Skylar, who she had grown close with, Winter established Phoenix Claw. The phoenix as a symbol of the rebirth of their villages and the claw as a symbol for the resistance. Due to the restrictions that legal guilds found themselves under, the two decided to work outside the law.

What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm fucking pissed.

Design Notes

  • Left ear is pierced.
  • Masculine clothing.
  • Only wears other jewelry to special occasions.


Celestial Spirit Magic

This magic allows the user to summon celestial spirits with golden or silver keys. These spirits are based on star constellations. Gold Keys are based on the zodiac and are rare. There exists only one of each golden key. Silver Keys are more commonly found.

Star Dress

With the help of her spirits, Winter figured out how to use stardresses. These grant the user the ability of the spirit. Ex. If winter is wearing the Lynx Dress, she has their binding abilities. Currently Winter only occasionly uses these dresses. She's only able the summon them for four of her spirits.

Hand to Hand Combat

Winter is versed in Hand to Hand Combat due to her upbringing. While she learned the basics of a few, her boxing is the best of them all.

Strategic Thinking

Winter is good at thinking through situations and how to handle them.


[ Close Friend ]


Skylar Kiera

Winter puts alot of trust in Skylars swordfighting ability.

[ Friends ]


Storm Tempuil

Is concered for Storms Coffe addiction. Trusts her judgement on sitations.

[ Friend ]


Ash Ceneria

Trusts her judgement on people.

[ Close Friends ]



Out of all her spirits, Winter has the closest relationship to them. Lynx was the first Key she ever found and made a contract with.

[ Friends ]



The first gold key Winter found. They get along well.

[ Friends ]



Winter doesn't use him for fights that much, mostly letting him be the hairdresser he wants to be.

[ Friends ]



Winter mostly tries to get Aries to ger her self confidence back.

[ Friends ]



Another of Winters early keys. They tend to but heads alot.

[ Friends ]



They get along fine.

[ Friends ]



Winter is very protective of him.

[ Occasional Coworkers ]



Her newest golden key. Due to Aquarius aggressive nature they also fight a lot.

[ Acquaintance ]


Lucy Heartfilia

They get along well enough. Mostly they talk to each other when they figured out something new about their magic.

[ Acquaintance ]


Yukino Agria

Winter prefers to avoid Yukino due to her association with Angel.

[ Occasional Coworkers ]


Osyn Tenho

She finds herself interested in Osyns enthusiam for life.

[ Occasional Coworkers ]


Jiro Tenho

Intruiged by his fighting style and gender.

code by 00Ishikawa00