(FT) Storm Tempuil



1 year, 1 month ago


Storm Tempuil

AGE 27
GENDER Fluid (she/her pronouns,Prefered Titles: Sir, Mister)
HEIGHT 165 cm
(171 cm with boots)
Role Intermediary, Substitute Leader
BIRTHDAY 6.5. X757
MAGIC Cardmagic


Storm seems calm. She can hide his emotions well, behind a mask of friendliness. It's easy for her to remain calm in the direst of situations. She's become good at ignoring that little voice in her head that tells her that he should be panicking. These are not his only qualities, people that get to know him, also know of Storms faithfulness and his sweetness.

Storm likes a good, fair fight once in a while. It helps her get rid of stress. It's difficult to get her stressed but if she is, he will start fights with people.




Storm was raised in an orphanage. He doesn't remember anything about his birth parents.


She was a sweet kid who tried to make friends with everyone. Sometimes this worked, most of the time it didn't. People started taking advantage of Storm. One group of kids sent her to steal money from a street vendor. Storm ran but lost most of the money in the process. She got caught and the vendor wanted an apology from the orphanage. As they couldn't repay him, she had to travel with him.

During these travels Storm became a better thief. The street vendor mostly used him to carry his merchandaise around. One night Storm snuck away, at first to get some food as they had struggled for a while but she ended up somewhere else.

Gender Troubles and more Crimes

She had succesfully stolen food. On her way back to the vendor Storm saw a performance, a show by mages, to show of their magic. Entranced he watched the elemental magic, the Take-Over and the card magics. Most of the night passed him by quickly. For fun he decided to get a reading from one of the fortune mages, who foresaw power and great grief to come.
Storm didn't think much of it. Instead he thought about the card magics he'd seen. Out of a coincidence he meet one of them and, after a short conversation Storm decided to steal the card deck. She got away with it, for now, and returned to the vendor.
During the next day she tried to use the cards for magic. Nothing happened. Frustrated Storm returned the cards, saying he'd found them outside. The card mage, Connor Laris, offered to teach Storm. This lead to a long argument between Connor and the Vendor which Connor eventually won.
Storm stayed and learned. Eventually he learned that Connor was a trans man, more precisely a genderfluid transmasc. This gave Stor much to think about while she was out stealing food.

Magic and Guilds

Connor taught her her magic well. Soon Storm developed her own style. But Connor had withheld most of his own backstory from her, which was about to catch up with him. He used to work for the company "Soulworld" but left and became a spy. Some Soulworld mages showed up and wanted to kill him the dead of the night. Connor put up a fight, but asked Storm to run. She didn't look back on her mentors fate.
Eventually she was found by a Mermaid Heel Member who took him in for a few days. For a short time Storm stayed with the guild.
In the next few months he jumped from guild to guild in an effort to forget about his mentor.

Joining Phoenix Claw

Storm slept in local libraries after leaving Lamia Scale. She was ashamed of himself for not managing to stay with one guild. One day she ran into Winter, who offered him to join. Storm only accepted after hearing of the revenge against Soulworld.

My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.

Design Notes

  • She mostly wears platform boots. On missions she will wear more practical footwear.
  • If her hair is open it reaches her mid-back.
  • When he feels masc he will wear his hair in a low ponytail.



Cardmagic is a type of Holder Magic which revolves around the use of Magic Cards, which can produce a variety of effects, such as generating elements, and even seemingly living beings. Cardmagic can be used for offense by employing the cards used for this Magic as long-range weapons by the user throwing them at their enemies. Users of this Magic can also combine their cards to generate particular effects.


This magic allows the user to create an area which reflects anothers magic back at them.

Meteor Bolts

A card spell that summons small burning rocks, which allows Storm to hit multiple targets at once.

Burning Heavens Crushing Sword

A card and reflector spell that allows Storm to summon swords out of firemagic and turn the enemies fire against them.


[ Friends ]


Winter Invercio

Thinks she owes her alot.

[ Friends ]


Skylar Kiera

A lethal combination in a fight.

[ Close Friends ]


Ash Ceneria

These two have occasianally tried to form a bookclub.

code by 00Ishikawa00