


1 year, 30 days ago



Name Chal
Zodiac Tinkerer's Tools
Age adult
Pronouns she/her
Height 4'5"
Race Curio (Ankuri)
Role Dowser / Water technician


  • spicy sauces
  • growing things (she is bad at it)
  • sanwa


  • being idle
  • outsiders (mild)



ADMV-3 (Dowsing)

Chal has the ability to locate water in her vicinity, including underground and through terrain. After manifesting the typical expressions of ADMV-3 in her adolescence, Chal underwent a rigorous apprenticeship to hone her abilities. Currently her range is approximately 3,912 meters.

Hydroponics Clearance

While not at all an expert, she's been trained to work in Hydroponics, primarily in laying new irrigation piping.

Technologically Literate

Most of her familiarity is with mapping or communication software.


Chal was raised in the Hive, where she's known more safety and stability than most Ankuri. Certainly more than she's seen in her time in the wastes, lent out on behalf of the Hive to other warrens in trade for communal resources.

dfvuboz-4a304743-71e3-4af7-8a09-e79a474c The Hive, May 2023

I - II

Returning home from an arduous water sample collection trip outside the Hive, Chal found her home flooded with strange mainlanders. Too small and tired to fight the crowd, she spent a protracted period in the entry holding, before making her way home. Unfortunately, construction obstructed the most direct route, but eventually, she made it to bed.

dfyl43k-acfb48a4-6ef6-418a-a3fe-422820b9 Run Red, June 2023

I - II - III - IV - V - VI

Waking up to emergency notifications and a communications blackout, Chal had every intention of following her Hive-mandated evacuation plan. However, knowing her brother was going to attempt to reach Level 4 to retrieve his research data, she reluctantly agreed to attempt to look for their mother on Level 3.

In the process of using the ventilation shafts as a means of traversal, she attracted the attention of a rogue mutant-- by stabbing it in the eye with a multitool. The beast lashed out, ripping at the vent to get to her, but she managed to make a breakneck getaway-- right into a stranger who was also using the vents as a makeshift highway.

Observing the mutant stalking the halls-- and knowing that the Level 3 school was deeply in danger-- she and the strange outsider hatched a plan: lure the mutant into the algae labs, bait it into a tank, and close the mechanized lid, effectively drowning it. The stranger volunteered to be the bait, asserting her ability to dive for over ten minutes, while Chal worked the motorized lid to make sure the mutant was sealed in.

There were a few unforseen hiccups in this one-in-a-million shot plan, but in the end they both survived and the mutant did not. Success? Oh, except for the part where Level 3 was flooding and they now needed to actually evacuate...

dg1cwu2-97b193e1-87e9-4a62-b01d-3879e12c Origin, July 2023





Feldspar [ brother ]

One of Chal's older brothers. She views him as impractical and idealistic to a fault... but is also just a little envious that he's allowed to pursue those ideals he admires, rather than being allocated a job based on a mutation.


Hematite [ mentor ]

Chal's former ADM3 mentor. She thinks Hematite is a sad, cruel old woman... but admits she learned a lot from her.


Pith [ circumstantial colleague? ]

Meeting under truly dire survival circumstances will do wonders for your opinion of someone. Chal admires Pith's tenacity and (what she percieves as) altruism. She would balk at the idea of being 'friends,' but does think of Pith as a sort of ideal-- for an outsider, anyway.

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