SUNSETTER (Old Profile Info)



1 year, 1 month ago


Real Name: Lazarus Corona


Suit Type: Armillary Sphere (I am so sorry)

Age: Antique

ID: He/They/It (honorifics Sir/Mr)

Height: 20ft

Birthday: March 4th (pisces)


Brief Summary:

Department  Head of Records and Archival, Lazarus Corona tends to all outdated and  retired material under the COGS ink umbrella. This includes documents,  ad media, previous reports, any discontinued product..... Though, rumors  fly among the offices that outdated suits may be subject to being  "sunset" as well, should their legal matters tie them too close to the  company...

A legacy board member, Lazarus has been with the  company since it's inception, having worked previously as [data  unavailable; please contact records for clarification request form]


Extra Info:

-  A jovial optimist who delights in his work, though his scathing sense  of humor does not endear him to either his employees or his fellow  department heads

- Holds social hierarchy in high esteem. As such,  is more respectful to those on his own level or higher in comparison to  the average employee.

- Loves gold and other finery. From the top  of his sphere to the rivets in his shoes, he has dotted his attire with  (company-appropriate) touches of jewelry. Do not ask if he is plated.

-  Wears several rings on over his gloves, they are very large,  ostentatious pieces. His fingers are surprisingly dexterous for his  dextrous size, and do not get in the way of his delicate record-keeping.

-  Loves to pepper his speech with small bits of Italian. Is he Italian?  I'm not sure if I want toon rome to exist. Anyways, uses a lot of  diminutives to refer to others

-The Records Department is the least populated in terms of employed suits, but it's not entirely devoid of workers :)

-  Records Department is colloquially known as "The Graveyard Shift", not  only because many of it's employees prefer to work night time hours, but  many of the suits employed resemble outdated or otherwise antiquated  concepts and machinery that tend to unnerve more modern designs of  suits.

- It's interests include opera and astronomy

-  has a healthy respect and irrational fear of Belle Dama (otherwise known  as Mouthpiece of the Lawbots). Why is this grandma still kicking.  That's scary.

-Keeps a very clean department depsite it looking like a fuckkng haunted mausoleum on the outside 👌