

1 year, 1 month ago


Employee Information
Employee ID
Suit Name
Date of Hire
Review Manager
Corona, Lazarus (L.C.)
Chief Archivist
Department Head
45 years ago
Disciplinary Records

For any inaccuracies in the list, please contact Robot Resources to have them corrected, as they may affect your future promotion / remuneration changes.

- No notable disciplinary concerns since the adoption of the current database.
Personal Statement

Your personal statement forms a part of your application to C.O.G.S. Inc. Should we find inaccuracies or discrepancies between your personal statement and the facts collected by our Suit Intelligence Team, we reserve the right to dismiss you without warning.

Your personal statement is kept here for archival purposes.

Adapting our data into the digital age, are we? Certo, I have no problem giving a few words. I am Lazarus Corona, Head of the Archivebots and Chief Archivist for the company. Master Cyger and I have had business dealings for the better part of a century. This isn't the place for stories, however. COGS inc is a business that I have watched grow from it's dawn as a startup, and hope to see fully eclipse it's competition. As for my part? Ah, I seek to record everything that has happened here, to preserve it for future use. COGS has a shining future, and it is my ambition to help steer us ever towards that brilliant horizon.
For Hiring Manager Use Only

For archival purposes the following fields cannot be edited. If any of the fields below need to be updated, please contact Internal IT Support.

Employment History
- Please contact Archivebot department for Sir Corona's work prior to the founding of COGS inc.
Incredibly knowledgable about COGS INC and other subjects, Loyal to the company, works well without supervision
Incredibly fine taste and high standards, tendency to lead with an iron fist
Additional Notes
-As a founding member and investor, Sir Corona is to be given due respect, and employees are reminded to think well before sending complaints about the Archivebot Department, particularly with regards that any employee may be subject to transfer to Archives for any reason. -Any comments about Sir Lazarus' construction, particularly of his material components, are strictly discouraged.
Interviewer Notes
- Opening Remarks "I know Department Heads are big, but Sir Corona is, like, REALLY big. I think Allan only goes up to his chest! He's got a really classy look to him too." - Qualifications "Lazarus knows, like, EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. He even offered to calculate my star chart, and like, I didn't even know I had that many zodiacs???" - Closing Remarks "He's, like, really cool and stuff. Though... Now that he's gone, I can't help but have this, like, haunted feeling in my office. It's probably nothing, though."