


1 year, 27 days ago


Basic Info

Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'4"
Family: Truth (Product family)

Malachite was originally created with the main purpose of providing comfort and soothing those who were emotionally unstable or simply going through a rough period in life, originally being named "Solace". For many years he worked with mental health workers in many settings to complete this duty faithfully, until the company that produced him and many other AI was caught committing atrocities. Testing on mortal subjects and sneaking dangerous codes into their AI's being two of many things that were expose, but being the biggest cause of the mass recall and disposal of the AI's in any job line involving care of others, security, or anything else that could put others at harm should the codes be activated.

 After the recall and disposal, Solace struggled to find his place, his purpose being lost. During this time of weakness, he found himself being caught and among other AI, being sold in underground markets to the filthy rich. The man who bought him also purchased a few others, one of which being Truth, who was previously working with investigators and police, and had previously been an AI sent to battlefields.
Unfortunately for them, the man was not kind, and took his anger out on the AI he purchased as he didn't see them as anything more than toys. Toys that he didn't care about breaking.
After only 3 months, out of the 5 AI he brought home that night only Truth and Solace remained fully functional.
Which meant that Solace's attempts to be quiet and stay out of his line of sight were now being met with anger and violence. An attempt to go back to his roots and soothe the mans angry outburst towards Truth lead to the man ripping his ear system out, leading to Solace becoming deaf in his right ear. Seeing this, something in Truth snapped. Sent into a fury she'd never experienced before, and was never meant to feel, she'd end up killing the man and anyone who would attempt to stop her.
They'd both run away that night, fleeing into the Spirit wilds where they wouldn't be followed unless the person pursuing them were insane.

Now living peacefully among the spirits there, bonding over their contempt and hatred of mortals, the two AI feel at peace. Solace throwing away his hope of ever regaining his purpose for existing, and going by Malachite instead. A name given to him by the spirit who welcomed them with open arms.