


1 year, 22 days ago


Basic info

Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'4"
Family: Snafu (adopted AI, treats her as a younger sister/daughter), Alden (Spirit contract)
Magic Type(s): Dark (mutation)

Spruce lived a normal life in Stygia before living in the Spirit Wilds. He worked in construction type jobs and had a quiet peaceful life.
This all changed after a job went wrong, the contractor ordering them to tear down trees located in spirit territory. When they started the work, the spirits became upset and lashed out at the crew. Many were hospitalized and a few including himself were seemingly "cursed" by the dark energy that the spirits emitted and used against them. The curses formed in different ways, some losing sight, hearing, or some other function. While Spruce instead became mutated, his arm becoming monstrous and his senses enhancing rather than being taken away. Despite still being the calm and kind man he always has been, his friends and peers became fearful of him, judging his appearance and treating him differently. Many claiming that even though he seemed the same, there was a dark energy around him.

After putting up with the unfair treatment for nearly a year, he finally snapped and decided to take all his belongings and leave. He had made up his mind to try and live in the Spirit wilds, thinking maybe he'd be accepted there better than his home town. He knew it would be dangerous, as many spirits there were believed to be aggressive and hateful towards mortals, but oddly enough, most spirits he encountered on his journey seemed to ignore his presence.
He would eventually make good relations with some of the local spirits, and would get their help to build his cabin that he currently lives in now. One of which he would form a contract with, named Alden, who would help him learn to control and use his new found abilities gained from the mutation.
Amongst those living in Stygia he would become known as "The Spirit Woodsman", a notorious for being cold towards outsiders and aggressive towards those who threaten the Spirits.

He would much later find an abandoned AI. Bringing her back online and taking her home, treating her as family. He would give her the name "Snafu".