


1 year, 18 days ago




"Don't give up, life is worth the risk."

Auburn is the mother of Sam and Jake and Reed’s former mate. She was a adventurous soul who loved traveling, the outdoors and the feeling of being free. Wanting to be free from any law and rules, Auburn turn to a outlaw and feel in love with another outlaw, Reed. Together they had two kits, Sam and Jake. However, Auburn was betrayed by her best friend Emma and died from being poisoned when Sam and Jake were really young. However, years after her death. Auburn strangly wakes up and finds herself in her home town, years later. Auburn has no idea how she has come back to life and is now on a search to find her family, unaware the abuse Reed put them through.

Side character
Western side of sakura
Fluffy long fur/Medium size/

Auburn grew up in a wealthy family that lived on a farm. Auburn grew up with like five brothers while being the only girl. She was just as strong and hardworking as her brothers, but her parents kept her away from any of the other farm work and tried to raise Auburn with a ‘be proper like a lady’ mind set. Luckily Auburn never took it for heart and against her parents wishes, she would get into a lot of mischief and trouble just for fun. Despite her parents being very strict on their life style, Auburn had a good childhood. During her childhood, she made friends with a cat near her age that lived in a rich mansion named Reed. She fell in love with him and they became best friends. Reed had a bad childhood, with a abusive dad and a crazy depressed mother. It was always Auburn though that kept him from going insane.

Old life

Years later Auburn and Reed fall in love with each other and get married, moving into Reed’s mansion after most of his family pass away. At the time Auburn worked as a national felonies unit member and was a small police officer for the western town gold thorn. But after some bad life choices that were raised by Reed, Auburn let love get the best of her and joined him. Becoming a outlaw and leaving her old life behind.

Motherhood and.. death?

Auburn eventually has two sons and falls in love with them. She quits her life of being a outlaw and puts all her time and energy into being a mother. However, Auburn’s old partner, Emma was tasked to kill Auburn for leaving her old life behind. Auburn is poisoned and falls into a deep coma, however everyone thinks she has died and her two sons, Sam and Jake stay with Reed. Years later, Auburn wakes up in gold thorn, years later after her ‘death.’ she is now trying to find answer on what happened to her family and what caused her fake death.


Breaking rules
Autumn leaves


Being told what to do
Being far away from her family


Auburn collects and sets a autumn leaf in her fur for every adventure she goes on.
Autumn found out about Jake losing his leg from gossip around the western town, and is now worried sick for him and even wonders if he's alive.
Auburn's original and first name was Grace.

Auburn is very adventorous and optimistic. She's always willing to look on the bright side no matter how bad the situation is. She will always take the chance to explore somewhere new and discover new places. She's also very reckless and has a lot of bravery. Without even thinking she's willing to jump into a dangerous situation if it means protecting others. She's also very caring and when she lived with her parents she would help others who weren't as lucky to be wealthy as her. Auburn also loves breqking the rules and pushing the limits while knowing well it gets her in trouble.

Sam Son

Auburn and Sam were very close as they had extremley similar personalities. Like Auburn, Sam loves freedom and the outdoors. When Sam was a very young kitten, Auburn would take him out of the house and let him play around her parent's farm and ranch. Now that Auburn is alive, she worries for both her son's and won't stop till she sees them again.

Jake Son

Jake was Auburn and Reed's first child. He was more quiet and shy than Auburn, but that didn't mean she didn't love him just as much as Sam. Jake looked up to his mother and liked to follow her around everywhere. The stress and heartbreak was heavy on Jake when she 'passed away.'

Reed Mate

Auburn fell in love with Reed and was probably the only thing keeping him sane. Auburn personality was the opposite of Reed's, but they still loved each other and would die for each other. Auburn now wonders how him and her children are doing, and she's unaware of the abuse and damage he caused after her death.