


1 year, 5 months ago


"The best life is a life of freedom!"

Gender Male
Ability Animal communication
Designer Izzyfennec
Age 14
DOB Jun/25
Sign Gemini
Species Cat
Role Outlaw
Residence Western side of sakura

Lia Marie Johnson - DNA

Lone wolf

Bambi/Bambi 2
Spirit animal


  • Fast runner
  • Good at hiding
  • Knows how to pickpocket
  • Has night vision


  • Has flashbacks whenever he sees a train
  • Not that physically strong
  • Scared of ever getting caught
  • Emotional



Sam doesn't use any other weapons besides his claws. As a cat he uses them to his advantage. He's very good at climbing, pickpocketing and slicing small things. Like nets hunters have tried to catch him in.

Hiding from the law


Sam is a wanted criminal because of his abusive father. Running from the law for so long, Sam learned how to avoid it and survive on his own. He's good at sneaking around for stealing or hiding from guards. He can also pickpocket and is good at setting traps to avoid getting captured. He's become very smart and skilled living on his own and being on the run.

Animal communication


Although sakura is filled with other inteligent animals. The ones that aren't able to speak are the ones Sam has a connection with. He can communicate and understand other animals. He can talk to deers, birds, fishes and other forest critters. He considers them as his friends and helpers for hiding from the law.



His scarf is the last thing he ever had from his mother. She sewed it for him as a birthday present. He never takes it off.


"No i won't be, no i won't be like you.. I'm fighting back.. I'm fighting back the truth."

Sam grew up outdoors on the west side of Sakura. Talking to other animals and making friends with them. But at home Sam was constantly neglected and snapped at by his father, Reed. Sam’s mother died of sickness, and it turned his fathers heart cruel. The only one who comforted him was his brother Jake. Jake was loyal to Reed, But Sam still loved hanging out with him. Jake made him feel like he belonged, and always made him feel like he wasn’t left out. But One day, Reed called Sam. This was rare for his father to do so, So Sam listened and came to him. Sam expected something encouraging, But instead, Reed snapped at him, Saying he needed to prove his loyalty and to do so, Sam needed to attack F.A.N.G. for resisting his fathers rule. Out of shock, Sam quickly refused. He would never be like his cruel father. And it felt wrong to him for attacking a criminal gang just for disagreeing with Reed. But when Sam tried to walk away, Jake tackled him, Pinning him down. Jake snapped at him saying Sam is nothing but a traitor if he disobeys Reed, And the punishment would be prison for resisting his rule. Sam was in fear and felt betrayed. Jake was the one person who made him feel like he belonged, And now he’s turned on him. Sam didn’t want to be in a cage, Feeling like he already was in one. He took the mission. Sam felt like a criminal, Someone’s puppet. And he hated it. All he wanted was a relationship and to be loved by his father, But he instead was being used by him. The thoughts broke Sam’s heart. When Sam tried to ambush Smoke and Sun. Rose caught up to him and attacked Sam. Sam lost to her enhanced strength and thought he was going to die. Sam begged Rose for her to not hurt him, And Reed forced him to do this. Rose didn’t hurt him and let him go because she dealt with Reed’s abuse. And she wanted Sam to live better than that. Rose told Sam the life he has is unfair, And he shouldn’t let Reed treat him like that when all Sam did is show him love. Sam realized the freedom he could have, and he doesn’t have to be his father’s puppet. He took Rose’s advice and abandoned the mission. Running away from home. Reed was enraged when he found out, and ordered Jake to bring him back. Jake didn’t like this, But did as he said. Jake found Sam and told him he needed to turn him in. But Sam got scared, afraid he would be arrested. So before Jake could say anything, Sam made a run for it. Jake yelled and went after him. But what Sam didn’t know is that he was heading straight for a train track. And when he realized that he was on one, It was too late. He heard the train’s horn. And thought it was his end. But Jake pushed him out of the way. His leg getting torn off instead of Sam dying. Sam stared in horror, Blaming himself for what happened to Jake. Not realizing Jake was still alive. Sam ran away in fear. Crying his eyes out as he thought he killed his own brother. Sam got lost in a forest, but was protected by animal critters and friends.

Sam stared in horror, Blaming himself for what happened to Jake. Not realizing Jake was still alive. Sam ran away in fear. Crying his eyes out as he thought he killed his own brother. Sam got lost in a forest, but was protected by animal critters and friends.


"Run wild and free."

Even though hiding from the law and having everyone see him as a criminal was a hard life. Not living in his father's mansion was the first time Sam ever felt free and not scared to gwt snapped at every second. He eventually met a rapterian deer named Maple, and even though her father is a fear bounty hunter, they been best friends ever since.

Maple and Sam are warned by Arron and Sensor that their friends, Delta, Alice, Stacy and Ren are being hunted down by Queen Regina. Worried for their saftey and wanting to help, Maple and Sam team up with Arron and Sensor to stop Regina.


  • Being free
  • Horses
  • Adventures with Maple
  • Playing the guitar


  • Getting hurt
  • Betrayed
  • No freedom
  • Water


  • Trains
  • Reed
  • Prison
  • Archer