


1 year, 11 days ago


Saint: The Priest


Name Saint
Called Saint/ Old Man
Age At least 180 Years Old
Gender Cis Man
Race Elf
Role Support
Alignment Idk.


  • Bitter
  • Sad
  • Secretly Caring


  • Metal Music
  • Tattoos
  • Roku and Riolu

An elven man who has made many mistakes in his life. Weighed down by guilt and sadness, he falls back on his religion to pay for his sins. Along the way, he ends up looking after Roku and Riolu.


Saint practices a religion called "Arowism". This religion is the main religion of elven kind, following the god Arowar. She preached two ideals; conflict and strife & reason and purpose. They both are meant to compliment eachother, like Yin and Yang. They preached that its important to find your place in the universe and to leave an impact on the world. To benefit your surroundings, leave a positive footprint in the world. Modern Arowism tends to lean towards reason and purpose and neglect the strife part.

The biggest point of Arowism is that you must benefit society one way or another. Being lazy or an inconvenience/hinderance to others is strictly forbidden. Making art or providing services to people is one of the biggest and easiest ways to contribute to society according to Arowar. Though, due to the vague nature of what is or isn't considered "useful", people have been known to twist her words to police people on what is considered "useful or usefulness". You will also see elven people/ believers of the faith overworking themselves to try and pay off this "invisible debt".

Priest and Mage

Saint comes from a line of priests of mages. Priests are fair game, but mages are a dying breed of people. Magic being taught amongst elves is a dying practice, especially done in a successful manner. Saint is one of VERY few elves in my universe that has mastered magic. The extensive knowledge and range on magic could easily make him oneof the most powerful elves in the world. He doesn't know how dangerous he is, but he keeps his magic hidden away. Very rarely does he let people know he practices magic.

Roku and Riolu

Living alone in his church, he occasionally tended to those who sought out guidance from Arowar, but he never expected to see two kids end up at his church doorstep. At first he didn't think much of them, but eventually he caught one of them sneaking around the basement of his church. Riolu's discovery of the church's underground catacombs sparked both her and Roku to pressure him into lending the area so they can perform concerts there. Him, struggling to keep the church running financially, caved. They boss him around, but he also does his fair share of putting them in their place. After months of dealing with them, he slowly grows to tolerate them. He's still mean, but at least he'lll make them sandwiches?


  • He has sleeves of tattoos.
  • His name was partially inspired by Saint Laurent, the fashion brand.
  • He is a divorced man. He misses his ex-husband greatly.
  • The church he owns was passed down from his family. It was only recently that he started looking after it.
  • He is one of very few elves that PRACTICE magic, something exceedingly rare in my universe.



Roku [ Complicated ]

This kid is extorting him. And actively calling him an old man. Saint hates his guts. But he still cares for him?


Riolu [ Complicated ]

Saint thinks Riolu is just as insufferable as Roku. But he still cares for her as well?


Hanba [ Ex-Husband ]

Their relationship was already pretty rocky. It doesn't get any better after their divorce, but Saint wishes to be forgiven by Hanba.