


1 year, 24 days ago



Name: Luka

Pronouns: She/Her

Race: Inkling

Main Weapon: Z+F Splat Charger


Favourite mode: Tower Control

Favourite band: Hightide Era

Favourite brand: Tentatek and Firefin


Random info:

★ Covered in band aids since she often trips when using her charger

★ Extremely clumsy 

★ Loves going out to lunch with the team

★ Spends a lot of time practicing and trying to get better (Very hardworking)


Luka grew up in a very privileged family. With two sisters and one brother her family lived in a nice, large apartment right on the outskirts of Inkopolis Plaza. Her mother worked as a map designer so Luka often went with her to watch matches while she took notes on map flaws and other map information. Luka's favourite mode to watch was Tower Control, as the charger would always get to a perfect high ground and keep their team safe as they rode the tower. She adored watching the charger look out for the team and loved how perfect every shot was. On her 10th birthday her mother bought her the newest charger model which was the Bento Splat charger. She went out with her siblings an participated in a junior Tower Control event where she played her very first game. Her brother, Ivan, went straight to the tower, she had a bit of trouble keeping up because of the weight and length of the charger. When she made it to mid she watched as her brother got splatted realising she was useless as a charger player since she wasn't any help at all to her team. After a tough match they lost, Luka left with no kills and struggle to keep the charger in good condition because of how clumsy she was during the match. She decided to dedicate any free time she had to practicing and perfecting the charger so she would be able to keep her team safe.

Years later Luka has moved to Splatsvile by herself in a relatively nice apartment. On her first trip to the lobby she decided to take a short cut down an ally where she found an Octoling rapidly searching around the floor. She asked if he was ok and he replied that he had lost his super duper special lucky tableturf card. She awkwardly agreed to help and they continued searching for it. After hours she decided she couldn't help anymore and told him she had to go. He pleaded with her to look just a little longer. Luka didn't know what to say and ended up saying she'd buy him a few new packs. Overjoyed they went down to the stores. They decided to exchange contact info since she was looking to start her own team. She found out his name was Haru and lived in the apartment next to hers. After pulling his phone out to give her his number something fell next to their feet. His super duper special lucky tableturf card. They both looked in shock. After countless hours there it was, in his pocket. Luka was so tired she laughed and decided she would just go home. They walked together and parted ways at the entrances. Luka felt excited she had made a friend who could soon hopefully become her team mate. Since she had spent years practicing everyday with the Charger, jumping from team to team she finally felt as though she could work with someone well. 

After a few weeks of playing duos ranked with Haru they both felt as though this wasn't working. They just weren't bouncing off each other and both felt as though they needed more people to work with. Haru decided he was gonna go team hunting and take a break from duos. Luka felt devastated and wasn't sure what to do. she went to the locker room and laid on one of the couches, falling asleep.

Luka woke up to a Octoling shaking her, she looked super worried. Luka sprung up and assured the Octoling she was ok and was just having a rest. Embarrassed the Octoling awkwardly stepped back. Luka laughed and asked for her name. Her name was Ichika and she was worried something had happened to Luka since she was crying. Luka told her about wishing to start a team and wanting to be able to have team mates she could care for. Ichika excitedly shared that she and her friend were starting a team and looking for players. Luka exclaimed she was willing to give it a go. After a few practices she knew they were the perfect team. Match after match she was walking away with the most kills keeping her teams deaths to the bare amount. She knew these were the people she wanted to be with best but having to get a fill ever match became tiering. It had been on the back of her mind to ask Haru but she was worried he would turn her down. She decided to pay him a visit and give him their team flyer. She went by and knocked on his door, he opened it abruptly and looked super excited. She was taken a back but handed him the flyer, he snatched it and jumped on her giving her a hug. Turns out he hadn't played since they stopped duos and missed her heaps. She was so happy to hear that and excitedly told him about the past few weeks and about Ichika and Kaai.

She had finally found the team she had always wanted and even better friends.
