


1 year, 28 days ago



Name: Haru

Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Octoling

Main Weapon: Splatana Wiper


Favourite mode: Rainmaker

Favourite band: Diss-Pair and Sashimori

Favourite brand: Zekko and Zink


Random info:

★ He takes really good care of his weapons

★Always late

★ Spends a lot of time playing Table Turf and collects the cards


Haru was born and raised in octartian society. His sister, Kimi, was the one who took care of him. Since it was just the two of them she would take him to work with her as no one else could look after him. She worked in the octarian army and would have him sit in the exit lobby to the level she was patrolling at the time. One day he was waiting around when an alarm went off, dropping to the floor and covering his ears he waited for his sister to come and get him when out of no where a loud melody began playing over the speakers. The alarm system had been hacked and someone began playing the song he now knows as Calamari Inkantation. He didn't know what to do, standing now looking for Kimi and still covering his ears he wandered towards the level exit door hoping to find her in there. All of a sudden someone had his hand, his sister was running and grabbed him. She said they needed to leave and they were going to a safer place where he wouldn't be stuck in a hallway all day and he could finally feel true joy. She grabbed him tight and told him to shut his eyes. They were able to super jump to a random train station. In the silence Haru saw the sky for the first time. He couldn't move, he looked in awe of how beautiful the rising sun was.

Kimi took Haru to a cheap apartment block where they were able to stay for some time until she was able to get a job. He spent a lot of time wandering the streets of inkopolis plaza looking at the clothes and shoes. His favourite shop to look was the weapons store, he loved the idea of being able to have fun with exciting and unique weapons. He never really knew which weapon he liked best until his sister came home with a top secret weapon in the works she had found on the shore at lost outpost. She said she'd fix it up for him to use. It was like a stick with a sponge on the end and he loved it. It looked flashy and cool to him and so he waited eagerly for it to be done. When Kimi wasn't at work or fixing his weapon she would buy him Table Turf cards to play with him. He took great care of his cards and wanted to collect them all. While Table Turf kept Haru busy, Kimi was able to complete his weapon.

With the weapon finished Kimi got him registered to play turf war matches but when they asked what weapon he was using, she couldn't tell them because it wasn't on the list. Devastated, he was given a splattershot to use in the mean time until he could get one he wanted. He knew there was no weapon he wanted to use more than his weapon. Over time he worked hard and grew to like the splattershot and was finally at an age where he could move to a more popular turf war match place. Promising to visit Kimi in Inkopolis he left for Splatsville ready to start fresh.

Upon arriving he decided to treat himself to a pack of Table Turf cards. When opening the pack he pulled out a rare card, he couldn't tell what the name was but as soon as he saw it he knew that this was his weapon. He was overjoyed, immediately running to register himself and his weapon. Haru found out that his weapon was called the Splatana Wiper and had been in a testing stage when he first got it but in Splatsvile he found out they had properly processed and completed the weapon, putting it on the shelf for people to actually buy. After registering himself he immediately went to try it out in a real match. Days turned into weeks and he had perfected the Splatana Wiper hoping now he could join a team.

One morning when walking down to the lobby to see if any team flyers were up he went to check his bag for his super duper lucky table turf card to make sure he had some luck with him. Opening his wallet he found no card in sight. Franticly shuffling through his bag it was no where to be found. Panicing he began searching around the floor hoping he might've accidently dropped it. Fortunately a inkling girl walked past him and asked if he was ok. He knew this was his chance at getting help finding it so he explained what happened and pleaded she would help. 

