[Primary Sona] Alador ([Danny Phantom] Seraphim)



9 months, 20 days ago



Danny Phantom Insert


"Good - Evil... who cares"

NAME Alador Lector
ALIAS Seraphim
AGE 20ish
BIRTHDAY December 8th
SPECIES Halfa [Human&Ghost]
RACE Caucasian British
GENDER Male [ftm]
PRONOUNS It / He / They
ORIENTATION Homoromantic

Technically Glitch in Time compliant but there's a lot of headcanons rattling on with this universe. He is neither a good guy nor a bad one - honestly it depends on it's mood which annoys most of it's potential allies, one day they can trust them, the next he's using everything he just learnt against.
The only reason anyone really relies on it is the simple fact that he has quite a high power level and it's better to have it on there time sometimes then to always have it against them. It's a real juggle for everyone trying to deal with him.



To protect himself and it's alter-ego he keeps his 'human' self as different from his ghost half as possible. However, now adays his ghost side is more true to it's actual personality then it's human side. Trying to keep his humanself calmer and always falling into the good and helpful person - that he didn't mean to help the bad guy, he only saw one person who needed help and didn't realise.
It doesn't seem to have a clear morality, doing whatever it wants as long as it benefits him in some way. The only difference seems to be that he doesn't want anything bad to happen to children, though he does still claim to hate them.

They have not revealed to anyone that they are a Halfa, it's been hinted by their ghost form that they're not completely, but no one has really tried to look too into it, mostly because he gives many ghosts the heebie-jeebies to try and pry and get onto his full bad side. Because at the very least he doesn't seem to hold grudgest against the sides he plays with.
There are rumours about ghosts who have gone against him, but it's really unknown if any of this is real - considering that none of those ghosts mentioned have ever actually appeared again, maybe they were just all made up like the stories. It's also not clear exactly what it's goal is, what it wants and what his driving force is, this is somethign he keeps burried very deep down in it's core.


Birth of a Halfa

If Alador is being honest, he’s not really sure how this happened to him and he developed this whole ghost alter ego. He knows it wasn’t that long ago, his 20th birthday wasn’t that long ago, at least it’s pretty sure it wasn’t that long ago – it feels like he should still be in his 20’s – though it is rather hard to work this out when you’ve given up on everyone you knew from that life before, no dates to compare to.
It never intended for life to go this way, never intended to become what he is now. Though he doesn’t suppose he regrets it.

He's heard of these knew Halfas, there was one before but he was nothing more then hissed rumours but it’s confirmed now so he let his curiosity win out and head to Amity Park to find out exactly what’s going on. Not expecting how anti-ghost the place now seems to be.

Current Days

Seraphim has become well acquainted with most of the ghosts of Amity, as well as begrudgingly, all the new ghost hunters – they’re no real threat to him and he tends to just avoid them because they annoy him greatly.
It annoys him greatly how Phantom always gets upset every time it betrays him, it's quite clear at this point to almost everyone else that he’s going to do this every no matter what promises he makes. Though it is clear to him that he’s working with a child, so maybe he shouldn’t get too annoyed with his responses to it’s actions. What he does enjoy greatly is the strength and push a lot of these local ghosts have, more exciting then the one’s it had back where they previously lived.



  • His swirled chest scar is from what turned it into a Halfa, which is why they're ligher/more visible in his ghost form.
  • It didn't realise it's ectoplasma colour was unusual until it met the other halfas.
  • Further distancing his 'sides' he likes to dress rather risque, showing off more skin in his ghost form unlike his human self.
  • His blood is tinged visibly pink by his ectoplasma, though it is still closer to normal blood colour then his full ectoplasma colour.
  • Alador claims to be slightly afraid of ghosts, hense why he's never there when there are ghost problems



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Buddy Holly