[Primary Sona] Alador ([DC] Draco Volar)



6 months, 15 days ago


Draco Volar



"You had a choice - my only choice was to fight it or not"

NAME Alador Loomis
ALIAS Draco Volar
AGE 21
BIRTHDAY December 8th
RACE Caucasian British
GENDER Male [ftm]
PRONOUNS He / It / Angel
ORIENTATION Homoromantic

Alador was forced into his role as Draco Volar, a young man growing up alone in the world, he was a perfect target for Flux Industries to take in and turn into their 'perfect' hero. He was pretty desperate at the time, needing money and to eat, he never really knew what he was agreeing to - they sure as hell didn't tell him what he was getting into.
This jaded him to his experience his own morals corrupting and changing as he wanted to rebel against his owners, now believing in morals he never would have considered before this happened. He knows that it was a nothing before he was turned into Draco Volar and he does respect that but it doesn't mean he has to like what he has now become in his morals more then anything else.
Angel has no form of secret identity, Flux thought it would build trust if his face was visible; and even without all of his tech out, the core embedded into his skin still stands proud.


  • All of his abilities come from the tech that's fused to his body.
  • Flight - from thrusters in his tech, the wings give him, better flexability and control
  • Weapons - all of the 'silver' metal is sharpened blades, so are the tips of his hands due to the nano-tech
  • Boosted system - Volar is stronger and more resistant then he was, a combination of the technology covering but also how it's fused into his body



Draco Volar is known, especially among his handlers as impulsive and risky, often putting himself into situations that are almost hopeless. The public sees this as him really putting them first; when in reality it's part of Volar's twisted view on his life and he's more then willing to put himself in danger if it means someone else can be helped.
He puts an act on in front of the public, mostly due to Flux's orders to keep him presented as their perfect little hero but he doesn't like doing what angel does and wants to leave the public eye he just doesn't know how.

More and more is Volar considering himself a villain, the people he works for aren't good even if they're making him act as a hero. This is leading to him considering turning his rights, become a villain to the world if it means he can take down the people that made him. The only thing it's glad about is the fact it seems to be the only one, they've not tried this process on anyone else, not yet at the very least.
For now at least, he's leaning into the true chaos of the world, he was made to be a weapon but he has his own thoughts. One day, this is going to back fire on them and he's so ready for it.


Act 1 - Chosen

Alador moved away from his family and everything he knew at 18, trying to strike out and become who he wanted to be. Things proved to be harder then he hoped however, and soon discovered that everything wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Money, finding a place to stay and just generally surviving alone was harder then he thought it could be. He became desperate for any work he could be offered, probably not looking into things as hard as he should.
He leapt at the opportunity to work with Flux Industries, he's heard about the work they do and what they're known for so he didn't question their rather open offer that didn't really explain what they were offering with their hiring opportunity.
Sure, he was confused by a lot of the training he had to go through to prove his worth, but it didn't want to over question it, it paid decent money and gave him a place to live. He accepted the offer to become a hero, it wasn't really explained to him what this meant, but who would turn down becoming a hero?

Act 2 - The Changing

It realised very early into his agreement that he'd made a mistake saying he'd become their hero. His training became intense and his body was pushed, they kept pulling him into labs to do tests upon tests and none of them made sense to him. This is when it began to sink in to angel, that he was just a 19-year-old kid who had made the wrong choice that he was not allowed to back out of now.
It wasn't explained to him once he was ready, he was pulled into what had become a routine test, something it just zoned out of but he could tell this one was different. Tests were ran and then re-ran as more people came in to look at them, someone clapped him on the back and congratulated it. Confused, no one would explain anything until they told him it was onto the next step.

He was soon put out, no explanation, no time to ask. He woke up in agony, laying on his chest, everything felt different, too sensitive but also numbed at the same time. Angel but back tears to not seem weak as the crushing realisation hit that it really had no idea what it meant to become their hero. He'd have to adapt though, no going back from here, not really, not ever.

Act 3 - Who am I really?

Pushing everything aside, the company was glad to see that Alador was leaning into and becoming Draco Volar for them. He did this for himself, not them, if he focused on only the now, he wouldn't think about who he was before and it made it so much easier.
This has however, left him to not really knowing who he now is, stuck in a limbo of becoming someone he never thought he would to try and work out who he can now be. He wouldn't call himself a hero, he'd not call anyone who annouced themselves to be one so. He has friends in bad places, but most of them have been forced into these positions much like he himself has for being a hero.
Who is Draco Volar, and is he even a hero? It doesn't know and he's pretty sure that angel should know that at the very least.



  • Now that he's been presented as Valor, he's not allowed to dye his hair a different colour.
  • The skin around the embeds is really sensitive, which is why his spine has extra protection around it.
  • He has cut himself with his own blades on a couple occasions.
  • The 'legs' that support his suit are sharp and have caused him permanent scars.
  • If he could, he'd run away and start a new life with Edwin, where he can go underground and Edwin could be the hero he wants to be.
  • Too scared to, angel's and Edwin's relationship has no label, worried that will ruin everything.



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Too Polite To Fight
