Fav 4 Fav's Comments

Faved 6!:) Could U fav mh main anthro Daze then whoever else u favorite is up to u!



Faved one! Can you fave https://toyhou.se/20482958.mossy ?

Done tysm!

Tysm too!!!! <3

Faved the 2 i didnt faved before !! :3

Faved 2 back!

Thank youuuu x3

Faved 2 ♥️🐛


Thanks 🌸

Faved 4!

Feel free to fav any one below! https://toyhou.se/6777600.a-d-a-r-r-a https://toyhou.se/5611122.d-e-i-o-n https://toyhou.se/6055730.s-n-o-w https://toyhou.se/16441789.b-a-r-k

(If all have been faved don't be afraid to just go into the rest of my TH and fav anyone!)

Done tysm!

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faved 2!
can you please fav Ary and Evelyn?

Done! Tyty

Faved a few! ;w; You can fav anyone you like, I know my kiddos aren't great--

Your ocs Are very beautiful dw!! faved back tysm! 

faved milo zorian and aoi Can you favorite Revenant, Muphrid, and Arcturus?

Done !

thank you!

i faved the 11 in the main folder, you can fave anyone ^^

done tysm!

Faved all!!

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Done thank you!

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Faved your mains + your whole current folder XD

You can face anyone except freebies/ota folder

done! I favorited the same amount you faved 98 with a few extras! 

Nice, thank you :)

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done ty!

Faved four ! Would love if you would faved these cuties <3





(BTW I love ur ocs all so cute!)

Done! Also tysm your ocs are beautiful as well! <33

Ahh tysm !! <3

Done ty!

Fav 6 of your ocs! :D can you fave these fellas too:0

Done! Tyty

say 4 favs you can give favs to whoever you like:


The favs - you can check it in fav characters

Done thank you!

no problem!

i faved lucien! can you fave https://toyhou.se/22034528.mourning-spider please? thank you!

Done thank you!

fav'd zorian, crimson, and selaina! can you fav these guys in return? :] ty!




Done thank you!

Faved your mains, you can fav whoever you want back! 

Done ! Tysm!

Favorited all of your mains! 

Can you favorite in this folder? https://toyhou.se/CosmicTrailz/characters/folder:4486024 then also my sona ? ^^

Done! And I faved a few extras!

thank you so much!! :D

faved all of ur mains!! could u do anyone here pls? preferably all 3 of my sonas but other than just fave anyone else u want ^^ tysm

Done! tysm

I lost count of how many I faced XD just gave who you like. Have a great day!

Tysm! You too! I faved your characters back!

Thank you!

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Ty! Faved 18 i think!

Fav 17

faved back!

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Yu yu hakusho on top 

faved like 40 or smth haha

fav whoever you like <3

Tysm faved everything I’m pretty sure!

tysm <3


Just one fav ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

Done Ty!

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Faved all tysm!

faved all mains ^^ can u fav them https://toyhou.se/zerunet/characters/folder:3514547 ?

Done tysm!

faved all 9 main OCs in the folder!

I'd love a fave on this blorbo + 8 others of your choice


Done thank you!

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Faved everyone tysm!

I faved everyone in the folder (10) ! Feel free to fave anyone in here! https://toyhou.se/~world/144878.drawing-options/characters

Faved everyone! Thank you!

3 from mains, 3 from others. 6 overall!

Faved 6 back thank you!

I faved 40 Characters I think xD 

Tysm! Faved everyone!

Thankiessss ♥

Faved all 9 mains ^^ Can i get favs on all 7 here: https://toyhou.se/OctoTape/characters/folder:4194830 and for the other two, https://toyhou.se/12195933.baba and https://toyhou.se/19034812.rocket

Done tysm!

Faved Mains and secondary! ♥️

Tysm! Faved all your characters

Thank you!! <3

Faved all of yours mains, secondaries and doodle characters! I’d love if you could fav some characters in here!! :)


Thank you! Done!



favorited your mains , secondaries , and doodles ! can u favorite bunny [ https://toyhou.se/18138539.bunny ] , princess [ https://toyhou.se/19446519.princess ] , and bwun [ https://toyhou.se/21907071.bwun ] ?

also your art is super cute !!!

Tysm!! Faved all 🫶


you're welcome !! and thank u!

faved your mains and secondaries! could you fave back these sillies? there are a lot of them so if you don't want to favorite everyone fave as many as you can/ want as long as Argan is favorited :]

Tysm! Faved 2 pages!

Faved them all! You can do these four? ^^

Thank you! Faved them all!

Faved everyone in mains and secondary!! Anyone in my mains folder is good! Forgot to add you have really cool characters and amazing art!!

Aa tysm! You do too! I faved the same!

Anyone in my not for offers folder pls 🙏

Tysm! Done!