


1 year, 5 days ago



June 9th

Redesign Your Logo

Functionist Enforcer
Intelligence officer and Interrogation specialist

Dialtone is a loyal and unempathetic intelligence officer. He doesn't care for the war, or any cause, and simply joined for his own benefit, uncaring for who the war has hurt or slaughtered.

He refuses to speak to most people, under the belief that they aren't deserving of his time or effort. If you do manage to be 'worthy' of his presence, you'll wish you weren't, as he's known for tricking prisoners and his superiors alike into his 'games,' in order to get what he wants out of them.

Despite this, he's still a well-ranked autobot officer. hes often questioned, but never demoted. Jazz has left him in his position simply because of how effective he is, being unaware of his past.

  • Himself
  • Dark Colors
  • Functionist Views
  • Covenant of Primus
  • Power/High status
  • Executions
  • Interrogations
  • Proton
  • Unicron's Herald.
  • Decepticons
  • 'Squishies' (humans)
  • Organic Materials
  • Jazz and Blaster's Music
  • Distractions
  • Troka

"I have no reason to explain myself to you. Refrain from posting this information, it is inaccurate."

Dialtone is secretive and unsharing. He was unwilling to comment or describe himself for this file, and it is likely this will not change. He's shown signs of agitation at further requests, notably denying the head communications officer (Blaster) the ability to speak with him until further notice.


Dialtone doesn't have any record of existence or familial connections before becoming an enforcer. It's theorized by the few that know he was an enforcer that this information is simply classified, or has been erased by the functionist council, but this is only speculation, with Dialtone himself never commenting on the matter.


Dialtone, as mentioned before, originally worked as an Enforcer for the Functionist Council. he was often positioned in the many arenas, or on the streets of rebellious city states among other enforcers. He was, at one point, given a higher commanding position, but this was only a short time before the council was executed by Shockwave.

After the council was murdered, Dialtone took a particular interest Shockwave, choosing to join the war as an autobot. He joined under the faked name 'Dialtone,' who was at one point a real person, although believed to be executed by the council. Under this name, he worked as the head intelligence officer under Sentinel for some time, leading up to his death and Optimus taking the position of Prime. This, of course, led to Jazz being chosen for this position instead, moving Dialtone to be the interrogation specialist.


Sometime during the mid-war, Shockwave had managed to 'resurrect' the predacons, a long dead species. This, Of course, interested Dialtone, who decided on 'getting' one of them for himself. He singled out Delirium, and while in a fight with Predaking lied to him, and after some back and forth, successfully convincing Predaking that Delirium had betrayed the other Predacons.

Dialtone believed that Predaking would simply banish or disown Delirium, but he quickly found out how extreme Predaking was when he returned to search for the predacon, finding Delirium bleeding out and notably missing an arm. Upon realizing his plan had backfired, he rushed to correct this by fixing Delirium (to the best of his abilities), and instead convinced Delirium that he had saved him, and that he owed him his life for such a favor. Delirium reluctantly agreed, although refused to help Dialtone if he couldn't take in Proton, a small minicon that seemed to have been hiding behind Delirium.

Dialtone seemed annoyed, but agreed in exchange for Delirium's loyalty. He obviously still believes himself to be above Delirium, often referring to him as if he were a pet, or a 'lesser-being,' although Delirium doesn't seem to care.

  • His chest is separated into two pieces in the front, exposing a golden inner plate underneath.
  • He covers his face with a white mask and red visor, which always seems to have a yellow shine to it.
  • Unlike other characters, his audial fins are entirely stationary.
  • His alt mode is a standard police vehicle.
  • His neck is covered by more armour (like the inside of his chest) and features a red LED light.
  • Dialtone is still seen wearing the Enforcer badge, although many don't recognize it anymore.
  • Dialtone's officer badge is 21944, he often uses this number as the code for less-important data.
  • Because he was most commonly positioned in Kaon, I assume this is where he originates from.
  • He was adopted from PinkyHaert on June 9th, which is why thats his birthday instead of the day he was made (June 8th) !
  • The enforcer badge he wears is one i designed for this AU, it resembles higher ranking enforcers, (also known as 'head officers')
  • His mask doesn't come off, it was welded to his face. (lmao loser!!)
  • This 'file'/the html was written from the perspective of Sundial, doing research into dialtones past after finding out he used to be an enforcer. just thought that would be cool tbh, it doesn't effect this at all

|| Search for Contacts...

Where are you.
why do you keep adding dots to the end of your sentences
im with proton and blaster what do you want
That isn't of your concern.
You did not get permission to leave.
why are you talking about it like its something important
Hello hello!!!
Who is this?
am sunset. who r uu?
Your spelling is horrid. how did you get this number.
rude!!! dunno
You... don't know.
Its a wonder that we haven't beaten you already.
I'm blocking this number, refrain from messaging me again.
Refrain from telling me how to raise my child.
Sorry, who is this?
It's Dialtone. Do not give me 'notes' on how to raise my child.
I am doing fine. do your job better and he would understand.
Excuse me? those notes are just recommendations to help him, it has nothing to do with my teaching ability.
If he doesn't understand, that is your fault. do not blame me.
Im not blaming you???
It was just to help him understand the current lesson better, it isn't required.
Do not speak to me.
Hello, Sundial.
You've been doing some interesting work lately.
Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about...
you must've heard wrong.
I'm not stupid.
I didn't say you were.
Do you need something? im busy right now.
I know. its quite tiresome looking for my past, isn't it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I think you do.
and I think you know im not too fond of it.
dude you aren't scary
what are you talking about
how'd you know what I was working on.
dude im being serious
don't fucking ignore me
. . .