


5 years, 11 months ago


Status semi-active / updated 22.10.2018
Name Park, Ji-sung
Age 21
Height 170 cm
Gender Male
Nationality Korean
Species N/A
Occupation K-pop Idol
Group Resonance
Status Single
Voice Taemin
Design Notes

Usually looks bored/sleepy offstage, and kind of an "ice beauty" onstage.

  • His antlers should be metallic gold and shiny.
  • He has a relatively small physique, please make sure to draw him as so.

As the "face" of the unit, Bambi does a lot of solo modelling work and hosts a lot of radio and talk shows! Entertaining and charismatic personality, with a penchant for joking around. As an idol, he's not the strongest vocalist but he's great and dancing and always tries his best, and his radiant smile is enough to justify his popularity in the industry.

o Bambi, life is all fun and games, and he doesn't particularly take anything seriously - tending to err on the side of carelessness and being forgetful, and being fickle with plans and decisions, forgetting or neglecting decisions he had previously made, to the chagrin of his other group members.


Vocals: Bambi's singing is acceptable at best, though he makes up for that by rapping. Even so, compared to many other groups, his rapping is nothing to shout home about and just a skill he picked up for the sake of the unit.

Dancing: Bambi loves dancing, and it was because of his enthusiasm in learning idol choreography that had him join this industry in the first place. He helps out sometimes with the unit's choreography. He also often helps Seul-ah when he sees him practicing secretly.

Acting: Bambi is a fairly good actor, and has had supporting cast roles in popular drama series. Many fans are hopeful that he will snag a main role soon.

Entertainment: Bambi is the face of the group, and naturally talented at variety shows and interviews, making up for Seul-ah's lack of public personality. He's witty and charming, and can turn everything into a joke or meme.

  • Making people smile
  • G O S S I P
  • Drawing on Seul-ah's face when he's napping
  • Meeting new people
  • Being ignored
  • Rejection & Criticism
  • Being too busy
  • Boredom

He has two sisters (one elder, one younger), and as a result is a bit more accepting to being a little bit feminine in his fashion tastes

Has a complex about exposing his neck and collarbone, and will always wear outfits that cover it up, whether it be through high collar shirts or scarves.


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Mauris a massa malesuada, tincidunt ligula vitae, consequat diam. Mauris nisi est, laoreet ac tristique id, consectetur eget magna. Sed in mauris vel turpis rutrum imperdiet. Etiam dapibus nisl tellus, sit amet commodo mi pretium non. Cras tincidunt diam turpis, in commodo mi tristique eget. Pellentesque consequat justo sit amet accumsan convallis.

Sed commodo leo condimentum erat tempus, ac fringilla enim dictum. Integer ac odio eu justo sodales gravida. Ut blandit massa nec purus placerat, id rhoncus est aliquam. Praesent tempus nunc a neque aliquam aliquam. Vivamus et lacus ut tellus congue sollicitudin id non diam. Curabitur consequat tristique euismod. Mauris et suscipit sapien, at maximus enim.

In eget consequat neque. Sed facilisis nunc purus, ut placerat nulla viverra eget. Quisque sit amet enim felis. Donec sit amet orci a neque dignissim imperdiet. In et orci nec turpis molestie imperdiet. Etiam dapibus lobortis metus eu ultrices. Nullam egestas ultricies leo. Nunc sed sem a mi aliquet mollis. Vestibulum in diam urna. Sed pharetra est non est vestibulum maximus. Nam suscipit quam in velit gravida suscipit.

Seul-ah - Groupmate

His partner and groupmate in Resonance. He finds Seul-ah really fun to tease, and admires his singing skills and dedication to music. He's happy that he got to debut together with such a wonderful person and thinks they make a great unit.

Name - relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tincidunt ligula sed elit eleifend, commodo elementum sapien ullamcorper.

Name - relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tincidunt ligula sed elit eleifend, commodo elementum sapien ullamcorper.