


5 years, 11 months ago


Status semi-active / updated 22.10.2018
Name Kim, Seul-ah
Age 19
Height 178 cm
Gender Male
Nationality Korean
Species Serein
Occupation K-pop Idol
Group Resonance
Status Single
Voice Leo
Design Notes

Usually looks bored/sleepy offstage, and kind of an "ice beauty" onstage.

  • IMPORTANT: His ears & fishbone tail are made of glass.
  • He has heterochromia - refer to the main ref for the colours.
  • His overcoat is mostly just for show, he never wears it properly - see second image for how it works.
  • If drawing him without gloves, his left hand (right to us) has tattoo markings - refer to his main reference.

To Seul-ah, singing is his life's biggest passion, and nothing can quite compare to it (apart from sleeping in). However, because of his one-track mind, he often comes across as disinterested in everything else around him, choosing to only selectively pay attention to things that interest him.

Despite the breadth of emotion he can display in his voice, Seul-ah in person is about the most inexpressive boy there is, speaking in as few words as possible. He has absolute confidence in his skills, and as a result, frowns upon others who do not seem to be up to "par". Due to his inability to pick words, he can come across as rude and condescending, though it was never his intention.

While it may seem that Seul-ah is overconfident because of his personality, the truth could not be further. He is extremely passionate about improving himself, and works hard to improve his singing and idol-related skills, although usually in secret, as he's not fond of being watched or judged by others.


Singing: As the lead vocalist of the unit, singing is Seul-ah's number one specialty. He has a husky and sultry quality and a tenor range, able to handle both upbeat songs as well as ballads (he prefers singing the latter). He's known to be able to express a large range of emotion in his voice.

Dancing: He doesn't like doing it very much, but as part and parcel of being an idol, it's become a necessity. He doesn't naturally have very good coordination, so he has to practice every choreography extra hard.

Acting: He's absolutely horrendous at it, and Bambi often makes fun of his inability to act in interviews and shows.

Entertainment: Being generally quiet and disinterested, he's not the most personable person in variety TV, however fans find it refreshing how blunt he is when responding, and love it when he responds without context because he wasn't paying any attention to what was going on!

  • Desserts & Pastries
  • Singing
  • Sleeping
  • Cool weather
  • The sea
  • Small talk
  • Physical Activity (including dancing...)
  • Skinship
  • Being forcibly woken up
  • Variety TV

He's the maknae (youngest member) of Resonance.

He hated wearing his overcoat, which is why he started putting it on in such a way.

He's actually shortsighted and wears contacts, which he hates.


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Mauris a massa malesuada, tincidunt ligula vitae, consequat diam. Mauris nisi est, laoreet ac tristique id, consectetur eget magna. Sed in mauris vel turpis rutrum imperdiet. Etiam dapibus nisl tellus, sit amet commodo mi pretium non. Cras tincidunt diam turpis, in commodo mi tristique eget. Pellentesque consequat justo sit amet accumsan convallis.

Sed commodo leo condimentum erat tempus, ac fringilla enim dictum. Integer ac odio eu justo sodales gravida. Ut blandit massa nec purus placerat, id rhoncus est aliquam. Praesent tempus nunc a neque aliquam aliquam. Vivamus et lacus ut tellus congue sollicitudin id non diam. Curabitur consequat tristique euismod. Mauris et suscipit sapien, at maximus enim.

In eget consequat neque. Sed facilisis nunc purus, ut placerat nulla viverra eget. Quisque sit amet enim felis. Donec sit amet orci a neque dignissim imperdiet. In et orci nec turpis molestie imperdiet. Etiam dapibus lobortis metus eu ultrices. Nullam egestas ultricies leo. Nunc sed sem a mi aliquet mollis. Vestibulum in diam urna. Sed pharetra est non est vestibulum maximus. Nam suscipit quam in velit gravida suscipit.

Bambi - Groupmate

His partner and groupmate in Resonance. Initially, he didn't like him very much because he was extremely pushy and talkative, but over time grew to work well together with him and appreciates that Bambi's strengths lie in different fields from him. Also he likes that he always brings him sweets.

Name - relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tincidunt ligula sed elit eleifend, commodo elementum sapien ullamcorper.

Name - relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tincidunt ligula sed elit eleifend, commodo elementum sapien ullamcorper.