


11 months, 17 days ago


Name "Erys" Erysichthon Ikenna Ansaldo
DOB 6/16
Strain Type Jailer Deity
Age 14 (Story) / 20 (After Story)
Risk Level Four
Species Fin Whale / Saltwater Crocodile / Water Opossum / Crab-Eating Raccoon
Role God-Like Deity / False God
Residence Starburst Village, Illinois

With a stomach like a pit that has no bottom, it's near impossible for Erys to be satisfied in anyway. A friendly and gregarious soul trapped in the body of a ravenous monster; Erys has been outcast from normal human interaction despite his friendly disposition to instead be isolated up on the podium of godhood. With out of control powers and the general conception that Erys is a demon not just in title, but, in nature too; he has been deeply hurt and this has caused him a lingering, lonesome pain. The pit in his stomach is not the only chasm within him now, as Erys' ability to feel socially fulfilled and no longer alone is as equally bottomless as his hunger for food. Just like how he demands more and more to eat, more and more sacrifices, more and more attention; no amount of social interaction, friendship, or care will ever be enough to erase the craving of finding what he wants, whether it be food or validation, in others. Everything he is given doesn't make his stomach stop growling, doesn't make him feel less empty or alone. Nothing will ever be enough for Erys.

The reputation as Auden's deity of "gluttony" is well-earned and not just about food concerning Erys; as he's aware that he is a false god, but continues to allow people to worship him to get what he wants. He, therefor, takes from other real gods. His mellow, gentle, and people-loving nature are quite attractive allures for new believers. Though, being in the middle of the battle for truth regarding the two Eidolons doesn't do anything good for Erys' mangled self-esteem. He feels like the thoughtless controlled-by-hunger beast that he was prophesized as; and yet, he continues to hunger.

Offer more, offer everything. Offer your skin and flesh and teeth. Do all you can to appease me. Offer all you can and more
- OrgansDotOrg - Carnivore

  • All foods
  • Very cold water, snow, and ice
  • His friends / Making friends + Helping them
  • Darkness / Nighttime
  • "Scary" animals (Snakes, spiders, bugs, etc)
  • Daytime / Bright lights / The sun / heat
  • Cars
  • Cults
  • False Eidolon
  • Himself :(



That prophesized day would finaly be upon Auden, the day that one of their Gods would die. A deity that saw into the future, Eidolon shaped the Audenian race and their beliefs via his visions and writings for centuries; and yet that day would come. The day that Eidolon saw millions of years before this day, a millenia of time to come to terms with it. Eidolon's death was not peaceful or painless, and the suffering he felt in his last moments was echoed throughtout Auden once word of the fallen god spread. While Eidolon was ready, the people were not. They felt hopeless and without any guide, afraid of what was to come, even. It wasn't just Eidolon who was meeting an end, but this event was prophesized to set off a series of events that would lead to the end of Auden.

In the wake of all this fear and panic, a new entity would crop up. It claimed to be Eidolon reborn, and offered guidance to the Audenian people. A calming sedative to the lost and afraid, a puzzle piece that fits in their empty slots; this entity would go on to be seen as a god just like Eidolon. It gathered followers and it used one member of the congregation as its host to carry out its will, and its will would be, and all believed in it. That is until the second serpent emerged from the ground, the true rebirth of Eidolon. The False Eidolon hated Xanthos- his very existence revealed that its words were lies. Trying to keep the steady stream of followers and hosts it accrued, The False Eidolon orchestrated its current host to carry out its plans. The False Eidolon would isolate a fraction of its pulse light which was to be imbued with a touch of The First One, and from this two new serpents were born- the third and the fourth. Eidolon spoke of them in his texts; a writhing mass that could barely be called a serpent with a hunger so endless she would devour the first two serpents, and a slithering beast of fire and magma that would leave the earth charred wherever he went.

A Warm Meal

This serpent with an endless hunger would be Erys. In complete and utter contrast with the prophecy, Erys is not a "she", and he definitely doesn't have the will to consume anyone. The False Eidolon would tout Erys as Eidolon's real son and would claim that Xanthos is lying. The followers The False Eidolon had amassed over the years, a cult of people, believed its every word and put Erys up on this pedestal- a podium of godhood. They knew what they were getting themselves into with Erys being the god of gluttony, and as such his followers are always willing to throw food and other offerings his way. Lots and lots of food, everyday, for virtually no effort, something someone as lazy and gluttonous as Erys loved. He was able to look past the reality of the situation for awhile, blinded by his hunger. He knew he wasn't the god they thought of him as, in no way is he the son of the real Eidolon. Though, the food he was receiving was more important to him than the truth. It was ultimately the truth being obscured that caused this. A non-believer had managed to infiltrate the ranks of the cult, and was eventually found out. the crowd became uproarious, feeding on each other's energies until it became a feedback loop of anger and betrayal. Just like all the food that was tossed his way before, the cult threw this nonbeliever to Erys like a scrap of meat. It was so quick, his body acted on pure instinct- it had only ever eaten anything it was tossed.

Click here for a timeline of his history


Biology Notes
  • The sludge like substance that lines his mouths and acts as a tongue is specialized jailer blood that contains digestive acids. He also has four whole stomachs, and he tends to start feeling hungry and starving way quicker than others. He starts vomiting up stomach bile if he goes an hour without eating, and by two hours without food, he may die. He's designed for consuming!
  • He has a blowhole on his back. Things that he can launch out of it include air, water, and cosmic horror pulse light. He also has very thick whale blubber.
  • Like how the twins harness electricity as their elements, Erys' element is understandably water as well as ice. He has the mysterious ability to generate large amounts of water with waterfall levels of pressure behind them instead of breathing fire...he can also freeze things or manipulate water psychically. He's also capable of literally ice beaming things.
  • In his jailer form, Erys is larger than Xan and Vale's jailer forms. He's double their height at 700 feet. This is because he was created to eat them. Both of his forms get larger anytime he eats. Of course, he's much too sweet and passive to eat either of them, let alone anyone at all purposefully.
  • Not only can Erys invert his gums and palate outside of his mouth, he can do the same with any of his stomachs. He uses this to spit things he probably shouldn't have eaten back up. This is rare though, as there is very little he can't digest.
  • Similar to Xan, Erys' pulse light has its own unique properties. Xan's pulse light deletes anomalies in other peoples' pulse light which heals certain sicknesses; while Erys' restores damaged or missing parts in other peoples' pulse light, which can cause even lost limbs to return. Erys can convert food he eats into more pulse light, which he stores in his stomach area. His stomach is translucent so his light clearly shines through. His pulse light is the major attractor for people that follow him, as such he is kept well-fed to ensure he generates enough.
  • After what happened to him, Erys developed vorarephobia specifically when it comes to other people. He did try to spit the non-believer up, but he and the entire cult were only met with chymus and it was too late already. He gets flashbacks to the human chymus anytime anything even reminds him of someone being eaten alive.
  • He likes to pick up bugs, arachnids, or snakes- Erys then tries to hand them to people he likes, usually his unwitting boyfriend. This is not malicious, he thinks they're neat and wants to share.
  • While he is not afraid of much, he does have one other fear- and that is cars. He's afraid to get into them (even though he can't fit in any cars anyway), go near them, or drive even. This fear can be considered irrational, as he can't be harmed or killed by any vehicle.
  • Genetic mosaicism is the cause of Erys' sectoral heterochromia. This was a random outcome, he feels like it makes him SLIGHTLY unique.
  • He has a tendency to chew on his claws nervously.
  • Being very good with his hands, Erys is great at lockpicking, untying knots, engraving, and calligraphy. However, he doesn't participate in his hobbies much at all as he's the laziest fuck on the planet. All he ever does is sleep and eat.
code by jiko