


11 months, 27 days ago


!--- ----- default focal color is #DB8150 ----- use find & replace to quickly change color ----->


Nickname "Feline Good"

Pronouns She/Her

Age early 20s

Race American bobtail tabaxi

Playbook The Outlaw

HTML Pinky


Bruschetta woke, as she usually did, with a long, elegant stretch. She padded on all fours toward her human's bedroom and yowled at the door until they, still drowsy, filled her porcelain bowl with her favorite cat food and replenished her water dish. Bruschetta swiftly consumed her breakfast, relishing each gulp, before settling in her favorite sunny spot in the living room. However, when this grew tiresome, she climbed to her feet and swatted her toys around the messy room. Finding her toys dull after another few minutes, she then leapt to the curio cabinet, stealthily maneuvering between the rows of peculiar items her human purchased every few weeks. Although her human believed their prized possessions were safely out of her reach, little did they know how wrong they were!

Bruschetta circled her human's newest acquisition several times - a delicate clear crystal mounted on a wood plaque labeled "thaumerite." Its resonant hum echoed the buzzing of bees in the distant backyard, eliciting a tingling sensation on her skin. She gave it a tentative sniff, and the hairs all over her body stood erect, as if electrified. It pulsed with a strange vitality, yet when she hissed at the offending object, it simply hummed in its wooden frame, disregarding her presence. Deciding the crystal held no further allure, Bruschetta batted it off the shelf. As it shattered upon impact with the ground, her peaceful world fragmented along with it.

When she opened her eyes, Bruschetta found herself slumped against the trunk of a dead tree. Red desert stretched on for miles, while the sun cast a far more intense heat than she had ever felt through the window of her cozy living room. She instinctively shielded her eyes, then jolted at the realization that she possessed...hands? Leaping to her feet (now reduced to only a pair!), she tried walking, then running, and eventually scaling the tree with her new bipedal form. In the midst of her exploration, a gleaming rock on the ground captured her attention — it was a fragment of the crystal she had knocked off the shelf. Clasping the shard tightly in her palm, Bruschetta resolved to navigate her way back home. And so, she embarked across the desert.


Height 5' 3" (160 cm)

Build Short, athletic

Eyes Yellow

Fur color Orange with stripes

Hair Style Medium fur length, short tail


  • Long whiskers on snout/above eyes and pink pads on paws.
  • Should always be drawn in anthro form.
  • Spurs on boots and gunbelt are optional. Yellow bandana is required.
  • She likes catnip, but please don't draw any 420 imagery or make any 420-related jokes!


Being transported to Verdonia has significantly sobered Bruschetta's outlook on life. While not cynical, she is a realist and can be blunt when discussing both strategies at meetings and feelings with friends. She is unwavering in her loyalty to the Reavers (the outlaw group that adopted her when she arrived in the wild west), and she is thankful for the gift of speech so that she can properly express her fondness for her companions. Her expertise in hunting, burglary, and skirmishing make her a useful ally in a lawless land. Nonetheless, she misses the comforts of home and would happily relinquish her opposable thumbs and ability to speak to be reunited with her human.






Rusty Sawed-off Shotgun

Old reliable


Shoot from the hip

Inconspicuous Poncho and Sombrero

The perfect disguise

A Guitar Case

Not actually for guitars

Fine Skeleton Key

No door is safe

A Small Piece of Thaumerite

What started it all

Special Moves


You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence from a desperate roll, or to escape from whatever (or to wherever) you want... for now.

Now! Now! Now!

When you push yourself, you may spend +1 Stress (so 3 Stress total) to gain both +1 effect and +1d instead of one or the other.

Some Fine Reputation

You have a reputation as a criminal mastermind (whether earned fairly or not). When you try to impress or dismay someone using your reputation, you gain +1d.

Right Time, Right Tool

You may use one of your items for a purpose of which it was not designed for. Fine items stay fine. Describe how you do it and how this is helpful.



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When Bruschetta first arrived in Verdonia as a tabaxi, disoriented by her new bipedalism, Cinera and the Reavers embraced her into their posse. They are found family and are united by their goal to help those who are "time touched," or negatively affected by the time-bending and form-shifting effects of thaumerite.



Heart to Heart

Upon discovering Lepto in an alley, hungover and with a bounty on his head, Bruschetta's initial impression of Lepto was not favorable. Nevertheless, as she dragged him back to the Reaver camp, the two had a thoughtful conversation about their respective relationships with Cinera, who had been taken hostage by the Black Hats. Both shared a deep concern for Cinera's well-being and, in their shared determination to secure his safe return, they decided to form a partnership.