Sweet Pea



10 months, 7 days ago


Sweet Pea


Name Sweet Pea
Stage Name TBD
Age 23
Gender Cis Female (she/her)
Race Satyr
Class Monk
Job Acrobat
Playlist Spotify


  • bubbly
  • airheaded
  • diva


  • fashion
  • attention
  • getting her way

A fun-loving girl who lives almost exclusively within her own bubble. She's very self-centered and believes she deserves everything she wants (and she wants everything). However, this doesn't mean she's mean. She wants to be besties with everyone she meets and loves unconditionally. Just don't get on her bad side... You don't want to find out what happens then!


Past | Childhood

Sweet Pea was born and raised within the Feywild, which explains her chaotic personality. She comes from a very large family, having a mom, 40 sisters, and at least 5 dads (nobody's not entirely sure which one is her real dad, so she claims them all). As you can tell, her community of satyrs was very large and very free-loving. They have no concept for monogamy, and if told about it, they'd think that's a funny joke. Every day is a cause for celebration, and parties and festivals were so commonplace it became almost monotamous for Sweet Pea.

Past | Sisters

Having so many beautiful sisters meant it was a little difficult to stand out in a crowd, which was a problem for Sweet Pea because she loves attention. Unfortunately, it seems her sisters do too, and would do all they could to be the center of it. This meant she was at constant odds with them all, always competing (and often failing) to have all eyes on her instead. While she loves her family, this proved to be too annoying for her, and true to her flgihty fashion she decided on a whim to leave the Feywild and try her luck elsewhere to make a name for herself.

Present | The Smirkus

Almost immediately she found a rundown circus and thought it sounded super fun and joined without much a second thought. She absolutely adores the attention it gets her and has fun dressing up in the cute outfits, so she's genuinely living her best life. She walks the tightrope and does various acrobatic stunts, and makes sure to always look cute doing it. She was thrilled when Godfrey Archibald Hollingsworth III bought the circus, thinking the change was exciting enough as is, but the promise of new costumes and a new potential source for gifts and praise was always welcome! She happily goes along with whatever weird errand he sends them on since she loves going on adventures with her besties!! Unless it's gross. Then he can send the boys to do it, duh.


  • Based on a sheep. Her legs and tail should be wooly. The wool also only goes up the length of her thighs.
  • Has a whole closet of outfits, mostly all in pink, but she likes other pastels as well. Usually accessorizes with flowers and jewelry.
  • All of her sisters are also named after flowers. She can name them all off by heart and expects everyone to remember the difference between them all, too.
  • Can play the harp and while she also loves singing, she's not particularly good at it.
  • She has an unhinged streak, and despite her bubbly and sweet personality she's ready to snap at any given moment if pushed hard enough. She also struggles with some social norms, both because of her odd upbringing but also because she's a total ditz and living in her own world.


The Smirkus


Beowulf [ Fallen Aasimar | Barbarian | Strongman ]

The strongman of the circus. She takes advantage of his height and strength every chance she gets. Like why should she carry anything when he's really good at it?? Thinks he's hunky, for a guy. Info TBA.


Fang [ Shifter | Rogue | Knife Thrower ]

The knife thrower of the circus. Thinks he's super fun to hang out with, but also super gross! And she'll let him know it if he starts acting up. Thinks he'd be cuter if he showered more. Info TBA.


Godfrey Archibald Hollingsworth III [ Giff | Circus Owner ]

The owner of the circus and her boss. She thinks he's sweet and fun! She doesn't think he's attractive, but he has a cute heart! Info TBA.


King [ Tabaxi | Bard | Clown ]

Former court jester and now clown of the circus. She falls for his pranks constantly and doesn't understand his rude remarks, he's just her silly kitty bestie! Doesn't really know if he's cute, she's guessing not if he has to hide his face. Info TBA.


Mercy [ Drow | Ranger | Animal Tamer ]

The animal tamer of the circus. Really likes talking at them because they're laidback enough to just let her. Thinks their cute in a rugged way and would love to make them over, but also wishes they'd stop trying to feed her GROSS spaghetti (hay). Info TBA.


Oriana [ Harrengon | Cleric | Living Cannonball ]

Living cannonball act at the Smirkus with her brother. Likes playing with her and thinks shes super sweet, but also kind of jealous. She's supposed to be baby around here :/ Info TBA.


Oberon [ Harrengon | Cleric | Living Cannonball ]

Living cannonball act at the Smirkus with his sister. Thinks he's a cute kid, but she doesn't always understand the neat facts he's trying to teach her. Info TBA.


Void [ Tiefling | Sorcerer | Fortune Teller ]

The fortune teller of the circus. Her BEST bestie, she always wants to drag her along to go on shopping trips and spa days and gossip! Think she's super pretty but also wishes she'd dress a little sexier. Info TBA.



Magnolia [ Satyr | Mother | Brewer ]

A woman with a very intimidating (and sensual) aura to most, to Sweet Pea she's just her loving mother. Loves having her attention, but has to compete with both her sisters and her mom's many suitors to get it.


Cypress [ Satyr | Father | Musician ]

A flaky romantic with a love for breaking into random song. He taught Sweet Pea how to play lyre and encourages her to sing, even if she's not entirely good at it. One of her potential dads, she treats him equal to them all.


Dogwood [ Satyr | Father | Athlete ]

A meathead jock with a love for competion. He taught Sweet Pea how to fight and encouraged her gymnastic and acrobatic feats. One of her potential dads, she treats him equal to them all.


Pothos [ Satyr | Father | Philosopher ]

Seen as the "wiseman" of their community, he has a talent for saying a lot of pretty words that mean absolutely nothing. Luckily, Sweet Pea thinks he's very deep and smart and goes to him for advice. One of her potential dads, she treats him equal to them all.


Juniper [ Satyr | Father | Stylist/Tailor ]

A huge lover of fashion and making everyone he meets look their best. Sweet Pea loves dressing up with him and gets her love of fashion from him. One of her potential dads, she treats him equal to them all.


Cabbage [ Satyr | Father | Gardener ]

He could almost be considered a farmer, but he tends to grow more flowers than he does vegetables. Always preparing for the next big party. Sweet Pea loves his garden and learned a lot about plants from him. One of her potential dads, she treats him equal to them all.