Giddyfink Baldeaux



6 years, 1 month ago


MODEL 1 - UNIT 125

About                                 Birthday - July 23rd

Built as security bot, Giddy was bought by an older gentleman who could no longer protect his garden shop from monsters due to his deteriorating physique. The man treated him like a son and eventually Giddy began to understand more than what his programming intended. When the time came and his father passed, his father told him to experience the world, so that's exactly what he's doing. Making his own fun while blogging it all to the great database bots use to communicate. Giddyfink is fun loving and always getting in over his head. Dancing all night, pulling pranks, and stealing from vending machines is his ideal night of fun! All he wears is 80's fashion and he's very fond of his wig, without it he can become extremely moody. His sibling Flippantfunk is usually the voice of reason and keeps him out of serious trouble. Though Flippant has certainly gotten into his own fair share of trouble with Giddy.

He looks the same as any other Model 1 Baldeaux bot, standing six feet in height with broad shoulders that give him a ridiculous looking wingspan that makes walking through doorways a challenge. He wears an old ultramarine wig with neon blue highlights that his dad found in a box of junk he had in his youth. It started as a little joke but Giddy became very fond of the look. On top of that he wears a brightly colored jacket and pair of matching shoes that were given to him on his 3rd birthday along with various types of short shorts.
Even without his signature look, Giddy is easy to pick from a crowd of matching Model 1's. The way he carries himself has become less and less calculating, making him somewhat clumsy. Most robots also have vapid expressions, whereas Giddy manages to way to show his emotions at all times whether it's with a big grin or half lidded apathy.


  • 80's music and fashion
  • Vaporwave music
  • Gardening


  • Large bodies of water
  • Jazz
  • Life Simulation games


  • The mentioning of his life before traveling is a sore subject.
  • Giddy’s model build is susceptible to overheating and fatal short circuiting in water. As a result he fears large bodies of water.
  • The swirly core in his chest is actually a lazer cannon but it is hardly used due to overheating issues.
  • Surprisingly loyal and affectionate with close friends despite his juvenile demeanor.
  • The BotNet is mostly used to distribute software updates and warnings of hostile monsters in area but it's become more of a bot-only internet thanks to Giddy's blogging antics.
  • Giddyfink is Model 1 Baldeaux Inc. security robot, Unit 125. He hates being referred to by his model number.


Personality                       Playlist

Giddyfink is extroverted to the extreme and is most comfortable surrounding himself with stimulation like watching TV while playing two different games also while he watches a stream. He loves to share everything he's doing and tries to get his friends to try out 'this cool new thing'! His sibling Flippantfunk is usually the only one who can keep up with Giddy's energy. Giddyfink's jovial attitude is often infectious and can easily hide the more trouble making side of him.

He will talk your ear off if you don't force yourself into the discussion. For a robot, his flexibility and ability to adapt to situations is remarkable. He has willingness to take risks and can easily act innovatively with often unorthodox solutions to get out of a sticky situation. Unfortunately, Giddy's crutch is his own stubbornness. Once he has found himself in a comfortable place, it is difficult change his mind. Persuading Giddyfink must be done stern and bluntly.


  • Overall positive thinker
  • Passionate about his and his friends interests
  • Unafraid of new scenarios


  • It is easy for him to say something hurtful and not realize it
  • Responds emotionally
  • Does not have an indoor voice


  • Blogging his experiences
  • Trying new things and failing
  • Collecting virtual pets


  • Spring time
  • Oleander and Magnolia trees
  • The color orange


Giddyfink is the 125th robot produced within the very first model of defense bots from the Baldeaux Robots company.
Unit 125 was sold to an older gentleman who was growing too old to defend his plant nursery by himself. 125 was given the name Giddyfink.
Giddy wasn't quite used to this new name but if that's what his purchaser wanted, he wouldn't disobey.

As the years went on, Giddy learned how to take care of the plants in the nursery and run the register on sick days. He listened to the old man talk about various music artists and play old cassettes in a barely working boombox. Giddyfink started to find hobbies that he enjoyed. Personally enjoyed? It was a strange thing to think about. He wasn't really suppose to like or want anything but the old man was supportive of Giddy's interests so it couldn't be a bad thing.

Giddyfink picked up quickly on human habits and started to adopt some of them from customers he'd seen in the nursery. His voice became less monotone and started to have inflections in his sentences. Hand gestures began to accompany his conversations. He even figured out how to start a makeshift blog on the BotNet. The Botnet was meant for software updates and info on documented monsters, but Giddy found a way to keep a record of his daily life instead. Other robots became fascinated with the unconventional records and Giddyfink became a bit of a celebrity among other robots. They were fascinated by his ability to take on human traits and emotions and many robots since have been trying to recreate it and very few have been completely successful.

Eventually, the time came where the older gentleman could no longer run the shop. He rarely got up anymore and he began to sleep past opening time more and more. Neither of them mentioned the change but it still filled Giddyfink with uneasiness. His wires felt like they were in knots. He had seen people cry before. This must be what it feels like, but unlike humans, he does not get the relief of tears.
On the last day, the old man told him, "Experience the world. Find what makes you happy."
Giddyfink wasn't quite used to this new life but if that's what his father wanted, he wouldn't disobey.

Present Day

Giddyfink aimlessly travels around the world looking for interesting places to hang out for a while or new things to experience all the while blogging it. Along his way he met a superfan that was copying his look and naming scheme named Flippantfunk. The two did not get along with each other at first but thankfully, like a cheesy 80′s movie, the two eventually became good friends through the power of music.. The two are constantly bantering back and forth and consider themselves brothers. The two refuse to separate and now travel and experience things together.

Character Creation

This section serves as a record of how and when this character was created and how they've developed over the years. This is something mostly for myself to look back on but if you find it interesting, cool!

Giddfink was originally created for the tabletop game Monster of the Week in May 2018. The campaign was a disaster and pretty much continued to solidify how much I don't much care for tabletop games, but for some reason this character made in an hour and named with a username generator stuck with me. Only a month after his creation he got a more updated design in June 2018.
The character continued to develop past his original Automaton race that fought monsters to a mass produced robot who likes to blog. Giddyfink has become my permanent online persona. So I guess in the end that DnD campaign wasn't too much of a disaster.

Also no, he was not inspired by Mettaton. His design was inspired by Grinder from Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures.
If you're going to compare my OC to a piece of media at least get it right. SHEESH. No respect for my boy Grinder.



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