


11 months, 16 days ago


ask for his spotify playlist if you're interested :-)

barnegat's ref

yves barnegat
barnegat ( professionally )


( the important parts of his story take place between his 40s and 50s )

uhhhh very short

trench siren

related characters
noela joyce laskavec ( ex wife, friend ) ◍
albert sully ( ex husband, best friend ) ◍
glasgow lantana ( friend ) ◍
◍ chloë laskavec ( daughter ) ◍
◍ elizabeth sully ( sister-in-law ) ◍
◍ the laskavec triplets & their father ( in-laws... somehow ) ◍
◍ mother & deceased father ◍

◍ quite sweet & charming ( in his own little “perpetually half-awake uncle
who casually does things he should be embarrassed about but just
embarrasses you instead” way ) ◍
◍ good at entertaining people which is useful for his job where he you know.
entertains people ◍
◍ talented musician ◍
◍ Goober ◍
◍ will listen but might not have anything of substance to say in response ◍

◍ can make people uncomfortable without realizing it ◍
◍ prone to burnout and very quickly gets thrown into depressive states as a result ◍
◍ horribly impulsive when he’s having a hard time ◍
◍ ^ generally not mean but absolutely can be ◍
◍ ^^ rots in his shame & insecurity instead of talking to someone.
hates admitting to vulnerability ◍
◍ has a tendency to toot his own horn ( haha. get it ) ◍

other tidbits
◍ very outgoing and quite a bit loud when he meets new people ◍
◍ ^ mellows out once he’s known someone for a while ◍
◍ speaks french but does not have a french accent ( look at that name he’s got there ) ◍
◍ also probably makes the silly haha squidward walking sound ◍
◍ cone-shaped teeth ◍
◍ spouts either genuine advice or actual nonsense when prompted ◍
◍ named after barnegat bay ◍
◍ there was a riff in their relationship for a few years, but he's al's best friend :-) ◍
◍ he has two tentacles on the top of his head similar to those of sea slugs ◍


barnegat lives in a large insulated underwater structure way at the bottom of the abyssal zone that houses a bunch of silly sea people. he is a trench siren but has midnight siren blood in him ( figuratively ) and adopted some of those traits. coming from a lineage of artists, he took up an instrument pretty early in his life. he's never been very good at playing keys, but he also never settled on one particular instrument. he developed proficiency with a handful of them and has at least passably played a pretty significant list. he went to school with albert sully and befriended him before losing contact to pursue his own interests.

after composing and playing by himself for a while, he sought out someone to fill his weak spot and would eventually recruit ( and reunite with ) al, a skilled pianist and generally cool guy who barnegat would become good friends with. they would perform together for a few years before asking noela laskavec, a woman they'd become acquainted with along the way, to be their vocalist. they saw quite a bit of recognition as a jazz trio.

eventually the three of them pursued a polyamorous relationship and had a daughter. barnegat, however, grew unhappy in this relationship and left after becoming severely, chronically burnt out in an attempt to climb out of his own creative bankruptcy and depression. this didn’t really work ( in fact it exacerbated the problem by actively moving him further away from people he could talk to ) but you know. he tried. they never got back together, but they were able to become friends again after a few years of hard feelings.

extra species info

there are 5 types of sirens corresponding to different zones of ocean depth:

lagoon sirens ( sunlight zone )
twilight sirens ( twilight zone )
midnight sirens ( midnight zone )
abyss sirens ( abyssal zone )
trench sirens ( hadal zone )

- they’re very social creatures and their singing isn’t really meant to bring in prey or anything. they do it to entertain each other and build relationships with each other, it just works a little Too Well on anyone that isn’t a siren. they typically gather in close proximity to avoid trouble from this.
- many of them have no bones but are supported structurally by a sort of gelatinous starchy substance
they are not typically one distinct creature so much as a bunch of different ones -- they are not recognized by their physical attributes but by their singing and social behaviors


barnegat and his head tentacles

this one shows the tentacles on his head. it's also just silly

i can even sing!

a little too excited

playing trumpet

playing trumpet

concept art. he gets bit

concept art