


11 months, 15 days ago


ask for his spotify playlist if you're interested :-)

al's ref

albert sully
( al )


( the important parts of his story take place between his 40s and 50s )


her height compared to barnegat and al

nautilus guy thing

related characters
yves barnegat ( ex husband, best friend ) ◻
noela joyce laskavec ( wife ) ◻
glasgow lantana( partner ) ◻
◻ chloë laskavec ( daughter ) ◻
◻ the laskavec triplets & their father ( its complicated brrrrrbrbrrbrb) ◻
◻ deceased parents ◻
◻ elizabeth sully ( sister ) ◻

◻ book smart ( a "peanut gallery", as barnegat puts it ) ◻
◻ difficult to upset ◻
◻ focused & disciplined ◻
◻ witty fella ◻
◻ quite softspoken ( which makes him comfortable to be around ) ◻

◻ doesn't always speak up for himself ◻
◻ feels responsible for handling bad situations ◻
◻ is pretty inflexible -- needs to know exactly what's happening
and be fully prepared in order to handle anything ◻

other tidbits
◻ reader ◻
◻ extremely talented pianist ◻
◻ terrible at games. like all of them. except trivia ? ◻
◻ afab trans ◻
◻ has a pretty sarcastic & sardonic disposition towards his friends,
and this is reciprocated for the most part
( as in, they push eachother's buttons ) -- this isn't inherently a problem but it can sometimes make him difficult to approach ◻
◻ ^ this is important to keep in mind regarding his
relationship with barnegat 🫢 ◻
◻ ^^ this is not as to say he's mean, though. he's a bit pedantic but he's a nice fella ◻


al lives in a large insulated underwater structure way at the bottom of the abyssal zone that houses a bunch of silly sea people. he was born into a family of three ( his mother, father, and sister lib ). he grew up playing piano as a hobby. he went to school with yves barnegat, befriending him, but did not continue contact with him until a while later. he studied dentistry before turning away from it to focus on the piano ( to the delight of lib, who figured people that actually have teeth would make better dentists and was fond of his interest in piano anyway ). he found work as a concert pianist and later as an instructor during this time.

al met barnegat again during the latter's ( only minutely successful ) career as a solo musician and offered to play piano for him. the two quickly became close and found working together to be productive and enjoyable.

they would perform together for a few years before asking noela laskavec, a woman they'd become acquainted with along the way, to be their vocalist. they saw quite a bit of recognition as a jazz trio.

eventually the three of them pursued a polyamorous relationship and had a daughter. barnegat would leave after becoming unhappy in the relationship, though they were able to become friends again after a few years of hard feelings ( mostly between noela and barnegat ).

goyo lantana became noela and al's partner, and the band's drummer, some time before they had made amends with barnegat.


al's piano fingers

didn't make it into the ref

he is not impressed

he is not impressed

a framed picture of him with thumbs up. he's happy

nerd shows off his epic facial hair... tentacles

barnegat and al. barnegat is smiling cheekily

barnegat ( very reliable ) makes an extremely compelling argument, to the amazement of al
( not buying it )