Hunter Walsh



10 months, 1 day ago


Name Hunter Walsh

DOB December 28th, 1909

Age 34+

Sign Capricorn

Gender Male

Birthplace Kansas City, Missouri

Height 5'10" (178 cm)

Residence St. Louis, Missouri

Build Average

Occupation Gunner's Mate, 3rd Class

Eyes Brown

Orientation Bisexual (aromantic)

Hair Black

Demeanor Grouchy


HTML Pinky

Hunter lives a stable, comfortable life, he has done all the things expected of a man living in his time and has most everything that is supposed to make one happy and fulfilled, yet he never really seems to be. He married the girl he dated in high school soon after they graduated, had a couple kids with her, they live in a nice house, and he has worked the same, steady job at the bank for several years now. In fact, he has worked hard all his life, both in school and afterward, trying to ensure he and his family get everything they "need" out of life, even if it's not necessarily what he "wants." From an outside perspective things look almost perfect for him, but in reality his marriage has been falling apart for years, he hates his monotonous job and most of the people he works with, and he feels so trapped in this "meaningless" existence that sometimes he wants to drive his car off the road instead of going home.

Feeling as though he was at the end of his rope after a series of especially bad arguments with his wife, sinking deeper into his depression, and subsequently losing his job, he got the idea to lie to her and tell her he had been drafted, and he was soon in the Navy, of all things. (Not something he ever imagined for himself in a million years, but it just goes to show how desperate he was for a way out if he'd voluntarily join the military during wartime. XD) Though he might be a little young to be having a mid-life crisis it seems he's getting an early start on it, and even if he can't yet say he feels "happy", this new drastic life change sure has him feeling better and more "alive" than he's really ever felt before. He's also taking this time away from his family to decide whether it's time to ask for a divorce, or maybe fake his own death...



Hunter is a rather "intense," edgy, overly serious person, the type that seems as though he could blow his top at any minute. Definitely "unhinged." He is VERY easily agitated, and while he usually tries to deal with it by muttering under his breath, he can and will respond violently if provoked enough, with screaming, breaking things, and basically throwing a tantrum, occasionally even escalating it into a physical fight. He is very blunt and often gives people the impression he doesn't feel like talking to them at all (which is frequently true.) He knows he's "mean" and doesn't care, he's unapologetically an asshole! Though he's obviously been taking care of his family he's inwardly a selfish man and doesn't truly care much about the wants and needs of others, assuming no one gives a damn about him either. He is capable of being more gentle towards his children and they are very important to him, though he is by no means a "good" father. He used to be kind of a stick in the mud up until recently, when he decided to start being more impulsive. Though he doesn't laugh or smile often he truly enjoys and has fun with the other sailors, and loves being included in their conversations/games/etc. As a teen he never got the chance to "party" and he has a good time hanging out with younger guys, trying to recapture the lost youth he didn't have. He doesn't know how to deal with being teased and gets very easily embarrassed by jokes directed at him. His attempts to tease back usually come off as mean-spirited rather than playful. When he does laugh, it's usually at someone else's expense, or from a dirty joke. :p

Of course, all his rage, the "temper tantrums", his shitty attitude and defensiveness are all also his way of masking his inner depression, he's seemingly incapable of expressing how sad he truly feels on the inside any other way.


He has resting bitch face and is pretty much always smoking. His eyes are very shifty and he doesn't like looking people in the face unless he's speaking to them, and then he makes very creepy, intense eye contact. He does everything in an overly aggressive way, slamming doors too hard, stomping around, brushing & pushing past people who get in his way, etc. He also drives like a maniac, going WAY over the speed limit, tailgating people like an asshole, laying on the horn or flipping people off over nothing, cutting across all the lanes without a signal, all of it. He is pretty reckless in all he says and does and can't seem to control his anger, nor does he ever think of or worry about the consequences of his actions.


His voice is quite deep and raspy/hoarse, sometimes he mumbles and slurs his words a bit. To describe it best it sounds as if he's impersonating Michael Keaton as Batman, only in an even more exaggerated, gruff and tough way. He can go from speaking softly to screaming at someone real quick when he's enraged (This is literally something he would say & do. XD)


Likes: cigarettes, pool/billiards, cars, driving too fast, breaking shit, pain, whiskey/beer
Dislikes: most people, his life, his job (before the Navy), society, romance, slow drivers, kids (except his own)



Hair: Short black hair with a few stray grey hairs here and there, short bangs, parted in the middle, and since joining the Navy the sides of his head are shaved. He sometimes styles/greases it back.

Eyes: Medium brown "piercing" eyes, the pupils/iris are always small no matter the lighting

Build: Pretty average, he's not super thin but he's definitely not pudgy either, just kind of "soft." He has gained some slight muscle tone in his arms in recent months. He has very little body hair.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: Since joining the Navy his entire right arm is covered in a "sleeve" of various traditional style tattoos, from the back of his hand up to the top of his shoulder.


Out of the Navy uniforms he would wear plain grey or brown business suits. He has several that are basically identical. Outside of work he wears more casual clothing (short sleeved-buttoned shirts, t-shirts, etc.) After getting all tattooed up he starts wearing black or white t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up (or torn off) and jeans.













  • I would say he's based off a very old character, but pretty much the only things I kept the same are the haircut, general appearance, and his first name.
  • He has a twelve year old son and a five year old daughter.
  • He is a very heavy smoker and gets really cranky if he has to go too long without a cigarette.
  • He enjoys playing pool and is pretty good at it, but rarely has the chance to play against others. (Usually he just plays by himself at the table in his den.)
  • None of the tattoos he's gotten since joining the Navy really have any special meaning to him, he just pointed to the artist's examples and said "that one" whenever getting any, and he got the majority of them all at the same time.
  • ...Honestly, if his wife and kids could see the way he was acting now and all his new tattoos they'd probably think he lost his mind...
  • As much as he loves his car it's pretty banged up from minor accidents and such. He often takes the long way back when driving home to avoid spending time with his family or arguing with his wife.
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