Nurse Katalina Killjoy



11 months, 17 days ago


Katalina Killjoy
Sadistic Surgeon

Katalina Killjoy is the school nurse at Clone High. Instead of being your average nurse, Killjoy is an unhinged lady with a PhD in medical malpractice! (How her license hasn’t gotten taken away is a mystery to everyone) She is an unusual woman who values a successful experiment over basic morals. As in, she will not hesitate to dissect anything that she deems an oddity. Which is bad news for a school full of clones of historical figures...

Beneath her creepy exterior lies a sugary sweet interior. She's someone who views her morbid interests as a perfectly innocent hobby, meaning she doesn't tend to understand why people are so put off by her. Katalina doesn’t shy away from giving the students her advice and admiration. Most of the clones are deathly afraid of her, though, so it doesn’t amount to much.

In addition to her occupation, she also serves as a foster parent to one of the gen 2 clones! Her son, Che Guevara, is the light of her life.


Katalina's bringing up was nothing out of the ordinary. She was thrust into a basic surburban life in Exclamation, USA. Her family life was nothing special. An average nuclear family with plain parents. From an incredibly young age, however, it was obvious that Katalina was... different. She never fit in well with other girls, or boys for that matter. Instead, her behavior tended to be concerning. She regularly harmed the other children as a "joke" and never understood why it was a problem. There was also the fact that she took a large interest in extremely morbid horror and the human anatomy.

With multiple therapists and prescription pills, Katalina managed to hide these tendencies and present as a normal girl. Only letting her true self slip to people she would grow close with. This tended to end with those people immediately distancing themselves with her, though... Not that she minded too much. Her focus was primarily on her newfound dream of becoming a surgeon.

Into adulthood, she began working on earning her medical degree. Though it was obvious that she would need to support herself in the meantime. In her extensive job search, she ended up taking up a position as a secretary for the board of shadowy figures. Though what she REALLY wanted was to oversee the wacky government experiments and create her own.

Killjoy ended up disobeying orders and enacting her own experiments, which mostly all tended to be horrific abominations. Not only that, but she tended to gab and reveal secrets to people outside of the government. As punishment for stepping out of line, the shadowy figures often had to wipe her memory and "recondition" her to be more compliant. This resulted in her brain practically getting fried. She was already mentally unsound, but this worsened it.

It wasn't until she met Scudworth in 2003, shortly after the gen 1 clones were frozen, that she broke free from any serious involvement within the board. With the help of him and his husbands, she was able to gain SOME sort of normalcy back. Though the damage had been done.


Despite being regarded as crazy to well.. everyone, Killjoy is generally a nice lady! It's incredibly rare to ever see her not smiling or in a cheery mood. She isn't the type to be petty or hold grudges against people. Even if people are nasty to her, she chooses to use kindness. Her murderous tendencies are triggered by curiousity, not anger, after all. Katalina doesn't GENUINELY want to end someone's life, only wanting to pick them apart and sew them back together.

Katalina struggles to feel empathy for most people, only having genuine love in her heart for a select few. For those she IS close with, she genuinely loves them to bits. Killjoy would never dream of harming these people, instead showering them in praise. This is definitely embarrassing to those involved, but she doesn't care! She wants to make her affection known.


Killjoy's work look is an average cliche nurse uniform. She prefers the classic dress style over wearing a more modern choice of clothing. Her entire outfit is a light baby pink shade of white, accentuated with hot pink accents throughout.

Her outfit consists of a nurse hat, a dress, gloves, and heels. Her knife earrings are her absolute favorite accessory, yet they are also the dead giveaway of her personality.

Her maroon pink hair is styled in a swoopy 50's hairstyle. For makeup she has pink eyeshadow, sharp winged eyeliner as well as dark pink lipstick. One of her most obvious facial features is her missing eye, which she covers with an eyepatch.

  • Voice claim is Cheri Oteri (Think Gwendolyn Zapp from Big City Greens)
  • To ensure the safety of the students, Killjoy has a chip in her neck that shocks her everytime she is about to enact some medical malpractice
  • Favorite movie is Human Centipede (not ironically)
  • Her natural hair color is a reddish-brown auburn. She just chooses to dye it pink because she thinks it's pretty and makes her stand out better
  • She has an everpresent smile etched onto her face. Very few have ever seen her make another expression. She only ever emotes differently when she's feeling a strong emotion and it is UNSETTLING
  • Tried to preform her own laser eye surgery and MAJORLY botched it. Had to end up removing her left eye. Isn't too bothered by it though, she just giggles it off and takes it as a lesson
  • Leads towards a communist/anarchist mindset, it's why she was so drawn to adopting Che
  • Doesn't remember her time working for the government due to the amount of memory wipes. Occassionally she will get flashes of traumatic memories and they'll make her spiral into panic attacks
Che GuevaraFoster Son

From the moment Scudworth informed Katalina of the foster parent program, she was intrigued. A part of her life felt empty, and she assumed a child could fill that hole. Out of all the clones, she found herself drawn to Che. Once he was born, her worldview COLLAPSED. She developed a deep love for him from the moment he was handed to her. Despite the fact that she isn't all there, she genuinely tries to be a good parent to Che. Giving him the support he needs and making sure she's there for him when he needs it.

Scudworth was the only person Killjoy could lean on after breaking free from the government. They grew close due to their shared love of violence, but it quickly became obvious that their friendship meant so much more. Cinnamon helped her better herself and she can't thank him enough for that. He ensured a steady job as a nurse for the new generation of clones. He is the sole reason Katalina has been able to keep her position. Working with your bestie has its perks, after all!

Due to how close Killjoy and Scudworth are, Mr. B is forced to fraternize with her as well. The two hold no ill will towards each other and rather hold respect for the other's posititions. Lynn usually tries giving her genuine advice on how to improve her reputation (aka stop threatening to dissect students) but Katalina tends to ignore it.

Although Killjoy isn't as close with Wulfington as she is with his husband, she quite likes him! Despite the intriguing fact of him being a hybrid, Katalina has no desire to dissect him. Her policy on leaving her close ones alone prevents it! He's usually the voice of reason to her more crazy personality. Students tend to feel A LOT safer when he's in a room with her.

Ms. PeeblesBest Friend

Janelle and Katalina have been friends ever since they met! The two became insperable due to their shared kooky lady reputations. Killjoy considers Peebles her dearest friend, confiding in her about potential experiments among other gossip that goes on within the school. Their conversations tend to border on the disturbing, while to each other it's just normal occurences they can laugh about.

SergeiFriend/Science Experiment

Killjoy absolutely adores Sergei, viewing him in a similar way a mother views her child. She's mostly prideful of how her and Scudworth's experiment was a success. She makes sure not to ever mention the events of what they did to it as to not give him an existential crisis.

Candide SampsonNeutral/One-Sided Dislike

Killjoy doesn't have any strong feelings about Candide, finding her to just be a higher up trying to stifle her creativity. Candide finds her creepy and never hesitates to scold her for her behavior. Despite this, Katalina is always civil and respectful towards her.

It's not often that Katalina finds a kindred spirit when it comes to her morbid interests, so Salfie is someone she's ECSTATIC about. The two tend to have extensive talks about disturbing details. Such as extensive torture methods, how to dispose of bodies, their dark desires... All of it! Aside from Che, Salfie is definitely Killjoy's favorite of the clones.

Alfie YankovicFavorite Student

Killjoy finds all of the clones to be prime test subjects, however Katalina has her eye set straight on Alfie due to his mutation. She finds his malabsorption disorder incredibly interesting and is deadset on getting to the bottom of why that is! If only he would stop running away from her and allow her to operate on him!


Katalina pursuing Prince's foster mom means an obvious familial relationship sprouting between the two. Despite Prince's irritation with the addition of Che and Killjoy, Katalina tries her best to be a good stepmom to him. In her own weird way, atleast. Most of what she does is ensuring that Che and Prince don't kill each other while she isn't looking.

Wesley is one of the few students Killjoy doesn't want to dissect. Lucky her! Katalina views Wesley like one of her own children, having known of her since before she was born. Her closeness with her dads causes the two to be well-acquainted with each other. She LOVES spoiling Wesley at birthdays and christmas. As her godmother, she has to be the best after all!

Bob RossCo-Worker/Acquaintance

Although they aren't what could qualify as friends, Killjoy holds no ill will towards Ross. She appreciates his laid-back nature and how he doesn't poke his nose in her business. The two have an agreement regarding their favorite students; Killjoy doesn't bother Beethoven in exchange for Ross raising Che's grades in art class.

Marvin WebbCo-Worker/Acquaintance

One of Killjoy's favorite co-workers, solely because Marvin's friendliness makes it hard to turn down an opportunity to be one of her test subjects. She appreciates his compliance and is generally cheery and friendly to him.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102