Che Guevara



11 months, 11 days ago


Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Dumb Delinquent

Che is the clone of Ernesto Guevara, an Argentine marxist revolutionary! He is a 2nd gen clone. To say that Che is obsessed with living up to his clone father is a major understatement. He idolizes the original Che and does everything he can to follow in his footsteps. He's an extremist with a penchant for pranking his fellow students and staff members at Clone High.

Since Che can't exactly pursue a military position or take down a capitalist regime like who he's cloned from, Che finds enjoymenent in art! He mainly enjoys doing graffiti and protest pieces, though he dabbles in other art forms as well from time to time.

Che is quick to speak his mind and won't hesitate to let it be known when something bothers him. Doesnā€™t engage in most high school drama though. Unless itā€™s actually damaging to him or someone he likes, he backs away and lets it work itself out.


From the moment Che left his tube, he was thrust into a life that was anything but ordinary. Despite his foster mother having several of her marbles missing, Che grew up in an incredibly supportive and loving home. Being raised by a single mother meant he had lots of freedom to do as he pleased. Especially when his rowdy behavior was encouraged, rather than disciplined. The boy learned all about his clone father at a young age and grew extremely attached to him. Since Che never had a proper father figure growing up, the thought of the original Guevara is what brings him that comfort.

Any babysitters or teachers can tell you that he was a NIGHTMARE as child. Che acted out, not for attention, but because he wanted to be rebellious. He still definitely has that bad boy "stick it to the man" attitude, but he's mellowed out since then. Che now expresses his emotions and strong feelings through his art. The reason for the switch? Che realized that no one would take him seriously if he didn't tone it down. He prefers to remain stone-faced on the outside, only letting those he gets close with see the layers beneath.


Che is an incredibly brash and mischevious person. He's never been one to fall in line or obey authority figures. He doesn't go out of his way to make the lives of others around him miserable, but he doesn't hesitate to annoy those who irritate him first.

Che doesn't take himself too seriously, only wanting to remain in his chillaxed little bubble. He tries his best to not engage in any drama, as he doesn't want to have to worry about people against him. Though his lighthearted little pranks DO cause people to hold some major dislike for him... He sees it all in good fun and thinks everyone just needs to lighten up!

Che can be ignorant to students who wish to seperate themselves from their clone parent, as he can't understand why someone would want to. His love for his clone father leaves him blind to the fact that not everyone has the pleasure of looking up to theirs. He definitely doesn't try forcing his way of thinking onto others, but he tends to judge silently.


Che's usual choice of style is monochromatic colors, sticking to a punk all-black style. It's a rare sight for anyone to see him change it up with actual colors. He adorns a black beret with a star on it, just as his clone father did. To further his connection to the original Che, he chooses to have shaggy long hair draped over the sides of his face. He has a bit of mustache and beard stubble, yet hasn't committed to full-on facial hair.

Since he wishes to follow in his father's footsteps, Che works out frequently to stay fit. So he has a bit of muscle built up. He doesn't hide this, as he wears a short-sleeved black turtleneck. Along with monochrome camo pants, black combat boots and black fingerless gloves.

  • Voice claim is Diego Luna (Think Zatz from Maya and the Three)
  • Has ADHD, forgets to take his medication A LOT
  • Has asthma courtesy of his clone father being asthmatic and he HATES IT. Itā€™s the one thing he doesnā€™t like having inherited from his dad because he thinks it brings down his cool guy image
  • Cannot STAND when people call him Ernesto. He thinks Che is much cooler sounding. If anyone who's not close to him calls him it, they've made an enemy for life
  • Collects Che Guevara memorabilia. Usually by shoplifting means because he hates how corporations profit off of his clone father
  • Favorite foods are meat mountains from Arby's and war rations
  • Secretly worries that in his desperation to be the perfect carbon copy of the original Che, heā€™s no longer his own person. That he has no substance other than his connection to his clone father
  • Che adores his foster mom, but sometimes feels like he isn't connected to his culture and feels guilty about it
  • Rusty spanish, can speak it enough to hold a conversation though
  • Has pretty bad grades, as well as half the faculty holding dislike for him. It's a miracle his mom is the nurse, otherwise he'd flunk out of school
  • Almost always in detention for some stupid thing he did. He doesn't mind, though
  • Should really NOT be smoking weed because of his asthma, yet does so anyways
  • Demiromantic, so he doesn't often get crushes on people or understand why romance is such a big deal
  • When he DOES like someone, though, Che is a huge lovesick puppy and will do anything for their attention
Katalina KilljoyFoster Mother

Despite his mom having incredibly morbid interests and low empathy for other people, Che has an incredibly close relationship with her. She's always been loving and supportive of him and he appreciates it immensely. It's her support and lenient parenting that's made him the person he is today. Cheā€™s a bit embarrassed by Killjoy's position and reputation, but he loves her nonetheless. He gets incredibly defensive of her whenever he hears any students speak ill of her. He can't understand anyone's (rightful) fear because he's the only one exempt from her nature.

Isadora DuncanBest Friend/Ex-Girlfriend

On-and-off relationship, but eventually ultimately broke up to pursue a strictly platonic relationship. The two split up because they realized they worked better with other people, not each other. It was bittersweet, but they manage to have a sense of normalcy. Che often likes to annoy Isadora to get a rise out of her. He doesn't hold any real malicious feelings towards her, though. She's someone who he feels comfortable letting his guard down around. He'd do anything for her.

Selena QuintanillaCrush/Girlfriend

Che always harbored a crush on Selena, yet only admired her from afar. This was until he found her crying by herself after her breakup with Prince. He quickly stepped in to comfort her and helped her deal with it. After a while, the two began a relationship! Che is absolutely head over heels for her, finding her extremely beautiful and talented. It doesn't matter what she does, whether it be her dragging him out shopping or her singing for him, he is giddy as ever. Just her mere precense makes him mellow out and be less chaotic.


Both clones were shocked when their foster moms announced their relationship. Che had never really interacted with Prince beforehand, viewing him as some pompous asshole. Their clashing personalities made things... difficult about the arrangement. Che does anything he can to piss Prince off, barely ever choosing to be mature and civil with him.

J. Robert OppenheimerCrush/Boyfriend (Vers)

Che's partner in crime! The two met when they were placed in detention together. Despite their differences and the fact that they'd never interacted beforehand, they hit it off and developed a friendship. After some persuasion from Che, he got Oppenheimer involved in his pranks and saw a different, more ecstatic side of the boy. Over time the two developed romantic feelings for each other. Their relationship properly beginning when Che confessed to him during a sleepover.

With the friendship of their parents, Che and Wesley have been close since childhood. They practically grew up hand in hand, leading to a sibling-like relationship. The two are an absolute chaos duo, getting away with any pranks due to their shared nepotism.


With their foster mothers being best friends, it's given without saying that the two would develop a friendship as well. Despite Che having closer friendships, he admires how Soph is able to stand on their own and will stand by them if needed. When Che does hang out with her, the two enjoy bouncing creative ideas off of each other for their art and writing.

Frida KahloBest Friend

The two became close friends from a young age, both bonding over their shared love of art. Arguably the coolest duo in school when together, as they just chill out around each other. Frida's calm personality makes Che want to be more lowkey.

Alfie YankovicFriend/Crush

Che never really paid attention to Alfie until he learned that Isadora had developed a crush on him. Once the two started dating and she began to bring Alfie around Che, he formed a friendship with the boy. He developed feelings of jealousy about his relationship with Isa to his confusion. The more he hung out with the boy on his own, he realized that he enjoyed Alfie more and more. It eventually hit Che that he'd developed a crush on him to his own surprise. He cares about Isadora too much to act on his feelings, so he simply admires from afar.

SmokyBest Friend

With both of them being so focused on war, a friendship between the two was inevitable. Che makes lots of attempts to make her lighten up, though he tends to try this in all the wrong ways. Such as poking fun at her for her height. When he's not getting under her skin, they get along incredibly well.

Frank ZappaFriend/Crush

Che formally met Frank through Isadora and Alfie. Despite the awkwardness at first, the two formed a bond due to their shared "weird guy" reputations. He found himself developing a crush on Frank after a while, making excuses to hang around him 1v1 instead of just with Isa and Alfie.

Che was introduced to Joan through Frida, and the two quickly hit it off. Che admires her experimental art as well as her angsty punk attitude. He views her as similar to him and enjoys spending time with her, even if he's out of the loop with all the drama that surrounds her.

Salfie YankovicCrush/Boyfriend/Captor (Vers)

Since Che couldn't pursue Alfie due to his relationship with Isadora, he coped with it in a completely normal way... By dating his twin brother. At first, Che only did this because he couldn't have Alfie, but he quickly found himself falling absolutely in love with Salfie. He found him incredibly charming and romantic. To Che, Salfie was the perfect boyfriend. He was loving, responded to his needs, and showered him with affection. Even if Salfie did tend to switch into a cold and irritable person who didn't even want to LOOK in his direction some days... Che stays with him. How could he leave someone who raises him up so high? Who cares if there's multiple red flags? No one is perfect, after all!

Good friends! The two hangout often, whether it's just for a smoke session or an actual outing. Che admires her chill nature, though the two can be agents of chaos when left alone to their own devices. Juana is also one of the only people willing to humble Che and keep his ego from inflating out of control.

Eric CarrFriend/Boyfriend (Vers)

Their shared punk rock energy brought them together. Che REALLY admires Eric, loving how he doesn't conform and has his own style. He can be mellow around others, but around Eric? He throws that ALL away. He's finally met someone who matches his chaotic spirit and he is OBSESSED.

It's nothing personal, but Scudworth is the easiest mark for Che when it comes to pranks. His over the top reactions, along with how he cannot do anything to properly punish him is hilarious to Che.

Topher BusOne-Sided Enemy

Che doesn't actually care or acknowledge Topher's existence much, but the shorter boy is constantly shooting the other dirty looks and attempting to make things hard for him. Che doesn't understand why, but it's clear that Topher cannot STAND him and holds this jealousy for him. Could it stem from their different stances on their clone fathers? Maybe!


Che attempts to be civil with Brute because he admired how relentless she was on the field. Though that quickly fell apart with how the girl constantly referring to him as "Ernesto" to his annoyance. He's nice infront of others, but doesn't go out of his way to interact with her otherwise.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102