


11 months, 22 days ago


Confident Go-getter
Try it -- keep up with me if ya' can!
Amelia Harper

Female, She/Her
September 23rd

5'7/170 cm
135 Ibs
Aspiring Athlete

Dedicated to her position on the soccer team, Amelia is commonly described by her teachers as a spunky and slightly overconfident girl who tries her hardest each and every day. To peers her age, however, she can come off as quite blunt and rather aggressive at times -- which tends to intimidate them away from actually getting to know her. Her competitive attitude doesn't help with this either, and she can be a bit of a sore loser sometimes.

With a fast-paced life at home as she's often left alone by her busy father to take care of her younger sister Piper, she's not able to find much leisure time to spend with what very few friends she's managed to keep around. It doesn't seem to bother her much, though. She's used to it by now. She's been used to it for years.

She can be loud and hotheaded at times, and has trouble picking up on social cues -- but to those she's close to, she does have a lot to talk about and harbors the exciting presence of an extroverted go-getter. Not to mention, she's managed to build a highly good sense of responsibility growing up; only she still has yet to find a better way to manage her temper. In due time, she thinks that she'll get there -- learning to not push others away... so long as she continues to be surrounded by the right influences.

  • Skateboarding
  • Sports & competition
  • Horror movies
  • Losing
  • Silence
  • Heavy metal music
Openness [ 40% ]
Conscientiousness [ 20% ]
Extraversion [ 95% ]
Agreeableness [ 15% ]
Neuroticism [ 30% ]

  • She enjoys skateboarding -- in fact, she's had the same skateboard since she was 12. Due to sentimental value, she refuses to let go of it.
  • She speaks extremely fast.
  • She really loves mainstream music, and is never annoyed by what plays on the radio.
  • Despite getting good grades in school, she dislikes a lot of her teachers and isn't a fan of going there. P.E. class is the only good part of the day, in her eyes.
  • Has an abundance of macaroni art hung up in her room, for some reason.
design by endervention
Design Notes

  • Her varsity jacket is a hand-me-down from her father. The star is a mere patch made by her, meant to cover up the logo of his old school from decades ago.
  • She ties her hair into a ponytail in order to avoid it getting in the way during athletic activities.

Asher Dislike

What is with this guy?! I mean, he's so angsty -- and in Amelia's personal words, an "edgelord". It can't be that hard to just talk to people, right? Even ones that you hate? (Then again, she'd know all about how difficult that can be...) But regardless, she could never see herself actually getting along with Asher in a million years. He's too quiet for her, and his music taste is awful. Hopefully once they're done with the lucid dreaming situation, she'll never have to see his stupid face again.

Lily Hate

Something is up with Lily, and she knows it. She swears that she does! There's no way that someone considered so high and mighty by others is genuinely nice -- and whenever Lily talks to her, she can't help immediately go on the defensive. It's difficult for her not to -- considering she's always been one to judge a book by its cover, even as a kid. Maybe if she could have a more open mind, they'd get along better; but Amelia stubbornly refuses to see any genuine side of Lily, and she'll continue to live that way until both of them are long gone.

Flynn Like

It clearly isn't mutual, but she finds Flynn extremely amusing. They likely bring the most usefulness to the group, Amelia often thinks -- and the way that they operate on computers is pretty cool to her. She likes seeing them hack into the school systems whenever they feel like it, and gets a kick out of their rare rebellious streaks that last for only a few minute intervals. Even though they're prone to ignoring her, that doesn't mean she'll stop glancing over nosily to see what "new and cool thing" they're doing every now and then.