


6 years, 15 days ago


Name:  Wander (Probably not his real name.)

Age: Timeless.
Height: 5'
Pronouns: He/Him

Relationship: None

-Mimik (both forms)

Personality: Mysterious, goofy, and mischievous. Wander loves to stumble into trouble. Though he never has any real malicious intent, his shenanigans may have a tendency to come across as harsh, insensitive, or rude. He is essentially a very troublesome forest imp, and cannot be stopped.

's:  Candies, especially gummy candies || Plants || Joking around/Pulling pranks || Having carefree days. ||
's:  Being treated like a nuisance, or a bother || Being ignored || People being nice to him ||

Items: A wooden mask that is partially the source of his power. It is able to move and create facial expressions, and allows him the ability to manipulate plant growth on a moderately large scale. No one knows what his true face looks like, as he is never seen without the mask on.


 A mysterious creature of unknown origins. He comes and goes as he pleases and very little is known about him other than wherever he goes, he never fails to get up to no good. Because of his mysterious nature, it's been rumored that if one were able to get a peek under his mask, you'd gain control over this troublesome imp. Other speculations say that Wander was born from the restless spirit of a person who was left abandoned in the forest. But those are just rumors.

-Wander is never seen without his mask on. 

-His mask cannot be removed by force, he has to willingly allow someone to remove it in order for it to come off. 

-Without his mask he has some minor capabilities to cause plant growth, but nothing very major. With the mask his power is more than tripled. 

-His fur probably smells like jellybeans. No idea why.

-Makes tree sounds. Probably also laughs like skull kid. 

-He is able to freely walk on 4 legs or 2, but largely prefers 4.

-Whenever he has the mask on, he is able to feel the state of the plant life around him. (ex: if the forest is very sick, he will feel unwell.)

-Sometimes, in places that he steps plants and flowers will suddenly and inexplicably bloom in the trail of footsteps that he leaves.

-If people treat him as if he is a nuisance, he makes it a strong point to annoy them more and pull worse and worse pranks on them. But even though he doesn't enjoy being seen as a bother, it doesn't really haunt him too much. What really gets under his skin, is when someone is genuinely kind to him. He is not sure how to react to this and is certain they are either trying to get close to him in order to trick or hurt him, or they want something from him. He will maintain a cold or distant demeanor around people who show him any form kindness.




Acquired through: Purchase $15