


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Name:  Maeson [???]

Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Pronouns: He/Him

Relationship: none

Personality:  Aware of his capabilities. Can tend to be smug and confident if he knows he is able to do something well. Can sometimes be overconfident, but usually tries to know what his limits are. Is not afraid to admit he doesn't know something, but will still be willing to try as long as any parties relying on him know that there is a possibility he will fail. Normally very calm. Loves conversing. Refuses, absolutely, to interact with open flames or demons.,

's:  The feeling of warmth || Soft cushions || Studying magical history || Soaking in hot springs || Hot soups. || Having his mane/tail combed.||
's: . Fires || Demons ||

Items: Maeson typically carries little with him.

Revered as a very powerful and skilled mage, he was asked to help a town get rid of its demon problem. He succeeded by outsmarting, and tricking the demon commander into making a soul binding promise; however, this upset the demon greatly, and he promised to get back at Maeson for wronging him.
      As Maeson was returning home a few nights later an assassin came across his path, tricked Maeson, and drew a blade on him when he was unprepared. The assassin had been hired by one of the Slag Commander's lesser demons in an attempt to get back at Maeson for embarrassing the greater demon through such a simple trick. He was to kill Maeson and bring his antlers back as proof that the deed had been done. Maeson, though powerful as a mage, was too quick to trust what appeared to be a person in need of assistance, and was unprepared for the back stabbing that came next. Caught off guard and unaware, the assassin made quick work of Maeson, ending the centaurs life before sawing off his antlers and disappearing into the night.

   The slag commander, upon hearing of Maesons death, ventured into the grey expanse (the place where souls are kept temporarily before being sorted) and retrieved Maesons soul. He then gave the cervitaur endless life and returned him to his body knowing that the boy would now have to live while he watched everyone else around him grow old and die.

-Maeson is a proficient wielder of various types of magic. (Though he absolutely refuses to use fire magic.)
-He is distrustful of demons
-He is a Cervitaur, a deer based centaur.
-He is always cold to the touch. He feels this cold, and wishes constantly to be warm.
-He can use his magical abilities to temporarily conjure a functioning prosthetic limb made out of pure mana energy. It lasts for 10 minutes at the most.
-He used to have the most stunning glass antlers. They were sawed off by his assassin and presented to the slag commander as proof of his death.
-The town of Greens Gate was where Maeson had originally encountered the Slag Commander.
-VERY IMPORTANT: The Slag Commander only meant to bring Maeson back to life from death to grant him immortality. He did not give him regenerative powers to accompany his inexhaustible life, so Maeson can still be hurt, but any damage he sustains will now not be able to kill him. If Maeson were, for example, to be burned horribly and left in constant pain, or dismembered, it would thereafter be inescapable and he would have to live with it for years, alive and suffering the whole while. 

-Maeson can still heal from minor injuries as normal, and any medicines capable of helping him ease the pain will work, but any substantial or lasting damage poses a severe threat to him.


Demon Defeat (Background in script format.)

Maeson steps into the inn where the Demon Slag Commander has taken up residence. 

-“So they’ve sent another hero, have they?” A booming voice says from across the room. A pair of glistening tusks and a large shadowy silhouette can just be made out form under the cover of the darkness.

 Maeson steps forward, prepared to confront the beast.

-“Oh, where are my manners. Please have a seat!” Maeson scowls. He physically is incapable of sitting in any sort of normal human chair. The demon is taunting him.

“You must leave this town Demon..” His face is cold, emotionless.

The slag commander laughs.

 -“And who is going to make me…You?” He stands and walks, out of the shadows, and up to Maeson. 

-“Many have come here to challenge me. Even you are not so different from them. Deer man.”

Maeson smiles smugly and examines his nails.

“Except that I am certain I will be the last person they send to deal with the likes of you.”

The Slag Commander laughs again, this time louder and more hysterically. 

-“Aren’t you confident. Are you willing to wager your life on that hero?”

“A wager? I am.”

-“Very well.. Name your terms.”

“I am certain that I will be the last person this town ever needs to send to make you leave. If I am correct and able to win this bet, you will go today and never return. If I am wrong, and you are victorious, then you may stay and do as you please.” Maeson looks up at the Slag Commander, Determined. The Demon towering over him smiles.

-“Very well Hero. I swear to follow your agreement.” The demon steps back and begins to morph into an unsettling beast. A gnarled voice comes from within this new form “Now, make me leave.”

Maeson shrugs.

“Okay.” and the cervitaur walks out of the building. The slag commander looks confused but waits behind. 

The town mayor walks up to Maeson and asks what has happened. Maeson explains that he has promised the Demon he will be the last adventurer the town needs to send to deal with the threat. 

“Demons are bound by their promises. So now mayor you must promise me. Do not ever send any one else into that tavern to face him.”

The mayor looks dumbfounded by the simple, yet trick solution that Maeson has arranged to fix their problem, but he promises as well. And then, from inside the tavern, the slag commander is pulled back into his own realm by a mass of hands. Outraged, and confused at what has happened, he wails as he is engulfed by the red mass of meaty hands. And then they are gone.

