[ F2U ] Snippet Cast (CODE (Accented))



<!-- JIKO'S F2U CODE: CAST ---------------------------->
 > my rules, read before use [ https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/127417.code-rules ]
 > you can paste this code above or below the content!
 > if you want the entire code hidden on mobile view, add [hidden-xs-down] next to the p-2 below
 > if you want it on the other side, change right to left !
 <div class="p-2 " style="position:fixed; right:0px; bottom:0; z-index:110; width:200px;">
    <a a href="#charahere" class="w-100 mt-2 btn btn-sm" style="background:#88a4d4; color:#fff" data-toggle="collapse">
        Click for Characters
    <!-- CONTENTS
    > if you want this to show by default, add [active show] next to [collapse]
    <div id="charahere" class="mt-1 mx-n1 collapse">
    <div class="card border-0 p-1">
    <div class="card border-0 bg-faded px-3 p-2 text-center table-responsive" style="max-height:400px">
        <!-- THING 1 -->
        <div class="my-1">
            <img src="https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/characters/22435984?1689213272" class="img-thumbnail">
            <a href="LINK_HERE" class="w-100 mt-2 btn btn-sm" style="background:#8fb4f5; color:#fff">
        <!-- THING 2 -->
        <div class="my-1">
            <img src="https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/characters/22435984?1689213272" class="img-thumbnail">
            <a href="LINK_HERE" class="w-100 mt-2 btn btn-sm" style="background:#7d88ed; color:#fff">
        <!-- THING 3 -->
        <div class="my-1">
            <img src="https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/characters/22435984?1689213272" class="img-thumbnail">
            <a href="LINK_HERE" class="w-100 mt-2 btn btn-sm" style="background:#776cc4; color:#fff">
    <!-- add more above this line! -->
<!-- CAST CODE ENDS ------------------------------>