Chloe (HP / Fantastic Beasts)



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


JK Rowling explode challenge (I am trans and I am stealing this man from her narrative and writing my own thank you and goodbye)


Status active ship
Newt 13349320_brELL138OVlWyab.png
Age 30
Height 6'2"
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Species Human (Wizard)
Nationality British
Birthday February 24th
House Hufflepuff
Occupation Magizoologist / Author
13349326_P7UatsV6Gk8xaQ4.png Chloe
Age 24
Height 5'3"
Gender Genderfluid
Pronouns They / Them
Species Human (Squib)
Nationality French
Birthday October 15th
House N/A
Occupation Bookstore Owner
Brief History

(This history is directly based on an rp I did with a friend, so shoutout to them for being cool- lol)

After bearing witness to the events of Grindelwald’s rally, particularly the death of Leta Lestrange, Newt found himself completely engrossed in devising some sort of way to stop any of the dark wizard’s plans from further coming to fruition. Eventually, he comes across an object that he believes, if perhaps tampered with just a smidge, could aid in undoing everything: a Time Turner. Bringing the device and his ideas to Dumbledore, he discovered that he was vehemently against it, and against tampering with the timeline. In the ensuing struggle to seize the object, it ends up mistakenly crushed underfoot.

The resulting rip in time somehow sends Newt forward an absurdly long amount of time. Into 2018, to be precise. In a bid to keep himself out of sight, he ducks into a seemingly empty storefront - a bookstore called Paws & Pages - only to find himself face to face with the shop’s owner, Chloe. At first, he believes them to be just a Muggle, and they think he’s just pretending to be horribly confused about modern times for the sake of messing with them, but the emergence of Pickett from his coat pocket prompts them to properly introduce themselves and learn the truth of one another.

Chloe, having been born to a pureblood family with no magic, was seen as a mistake in comparison to their siblings. Thus, they were given the bookstore on the insistence that they had no business being part of the wizarding community, in a bid to keep them quiet and out of the way. Despite this, their extensive studies make them a buff when it comes to wizarding history and culture up to that point, cementing their importance in aiding Newt in returning to his time.

Eventually, working together, the two of them discover a way to send Newt back to 1927. However, over the near month it takes to find it, he comes to truly appreciate their presence and, more than that, feels that they’d be more useful and more appreciated in his time, prompting him to ask them if they'd like to return with him. While Chloe is incredibly hesitant at first and initially rebukes his offer, they do warm up to the prospect, upon realizing how lonely they would feel staying behind once he was gone.

At that point, they both return to Newt’s proper time, and they do their best to keep Chloe’s presence, or at least the knowledge that they're an outsider, a secret. As they have little choice but to remain close to or inside of the case, they come to bond with all of the creatures that live inside, their nurturing and kind nature prompting Newt to consider his feelings for them. However, their knowledge of his eventual marriage and family with Tina Goldstein gives them cause to push him away, despite their own emotions toward him being called into question.

Eventually, Chloe comes to the decision that they have to leave him to keep the timeline from being skewed any further by them, but Newt comes to stop them. They insist that they are no good for him, that they aren’t enough for someone like him and that he deserves more; he responds by telling them that the course of history has already changed, and that while he isn’t sure if what he feels is love yet, he knows that he doesn’t want to lose what they have together, and that they are just as deserving of him as he is of them. The two of them share a first kiss out in the snow, affirming their hope to be together and signaling the start of a new life, working together to save their new off-shooting timeline.
