Chloe (Pokemon Sun & Moon)



3 years, 6 months ago


Status active ship
Guzma deaxe8m-64aaa55a-2697-4edb-ae4e-3d982de0
Height 6'5"
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Type Specialty Bug
Partner Pokémon Golisopod
Nationality Alolan
Trainer Class Team Skull Boss
Pokéballs Ultra Balls
deaxeez-d29425b0-9830-432c-a9c5-a67a1da8 Chloe
Height 5'3"
Gender Genderfluid
Pronouns They / Them
Type Specialty Fighting
Partner Pokémon Breloom
Nationality Unovan
Trainer Class Tired Trainer
Pokéballs Poké Balls
Brief History

'Opposites attract' is a phrase people often say. Never did it seem to be more true than when applied to these two. Guzma, a big bad gang leader from Alola who saw fit to lead a team of creepy crawly bugs of all things. Chloe, a sleepy Unovan trainer whose closest companions were powerful fighting types. Opposites attract defined them both as trainers, and as people, especially when the two of them happened to meet.

Chloe, seeking new experiences for them and their team, moved to Melemele Island in Alola on a whim, only to meet the Team Skull Boss on Route 2. Well, former Team Skull Boss at that point, though few knew that at the time. He'd been around to try and patch things up with his folks and take Hala up on his offer to train him, only to run into Chloe during their pursuit of a Crabrawler. They were a bit apprehensive around him at first, both due to his intimidating stature and also his bug team; they were quite afraid of insects, in all honesty.

However, seeing a chance to start fresh with someone, get to know someone new without his past as a gang leader looming over everything, Guzma did what he could to be as personable as he could be. The two of them, after having an impromptu battle and subsequent stroll to the Pokémon Center in Hau'oli, quickly found themselves getting along surprisingly well, and they were soon making plans to meet up again.

The two of them trained with Hala together, battled each other frequently to test each other's skills, went hunting for new Pokémon together, even just went out and got some Tapu Cocoa together sometimes. Guzma eventually did catch wind of how scared they were of bugs and did what he could to help alleviate their fears, be it personal time with his team or even a Heracross that he got just for them, as a way to ease Chloe into the idea of them.

It wasn't until Plumeria pointed out what a cute thing that was to do, and how it must mean he was sweet on them, that he really thought much about it and... she was honestly right, he was smitten with the soft yet tough Unovan. He didn't want to say anything, though, not wanting to do anything to mess up what the two of them had going. During a trip to Ula'Ula Meadow, though, Chloe actually got the courage to say something first; they admitted they knew who he was from the start, but they didn't really mind, having fallen for him regardless.

No one would have expected the big and brash ex-gang leader and the small and introverted trainer to even get along, but the two were nigh inseparable from that point on. Guzma was able to slow down a bit and appreciate things he'd otherwise have taken for granted, while Chloe had the chance to learn to be more bold and outgoing. Even if the two were pretty different, they worked quite well when they were together, and if you got into a double battle with them? Arceus help you.