


10 months, 1 day ago



Lyrosa De'laruu

"Crows remember the faces of those who wronged them, you would best keep that in mind with the dead, as well."

Basic information about him:

Species Classification: Yumi-Pop x Unbleeder || Link to Masterlist Entry I & Link to Masterlist Entry II.

Standing at 6'3'' and appearing around age 26, Lyrosa is often found by himself around abandoned or even haunted buildings, as well as capable of seeing and interacting with the paranormal. More of a quiet loner type, he'll only take enjoyment in a long talk and hanging around somewhere should one make themselves pleasant for conversation. Though for a reaper whose also part unbleeder, rather than being invisible to others, he's simply easily missed; in other words, he'll be there but those nearby often won't notice him. Additionally, sometimes he may be seen toying with spirits of all different kinds or instead—being pestered by them, yet on occasion he'll even find himself reaching out to them for help when he doesn't know how to solve a matter.

The most accurate head-cannon voice actor I know for him is Keith Silverstein, specifically his voice for Zhongli from Genshin; he speaks in low yet gentle voice, one very soft and slow—and tiredly lackluster.

Personality; him as a character:

Here are some songs that fit his theme very well: "Dormant Craving" by 塞壬唱片 - MSR.

Many find Lyrosa to be difficult to work with, often finding annoyance and boredom in most conversations with others. However, to his benefit is his supernatural ability to seem unnoticed in any place, making it difficult to find himself in too many interactions. Of those who do most commonly approach him, he does have a soft spot for offering advice and talking to young kids and teenagers, trying to also avoid mentioning at all the disturbing unseen spirits that may surround them. Nevertheless, for someone as standoffish and antisocial as himself, he's surprisingly soft and sweet; only willing to fight if cornered or threatened.


Story; expand sections:

Prologue: Childhood

Lyrosa's story dates back to the 15th century during the renaissance period, his father a lord and his mother but a humble housewife while he lived among several older brothers and sisters. Though since the days of crawling around and doing as a toddler would, he would begin finding himself nothing like the people around him, for the child could see dark entities and people that weren't really there. His family quick to deem their youngest son as strange, he often tried and play or talk to these spirits as if they were any other ordinary individuals.  be looked down upon and scolded with the hopes of changing the unsettling behavior. This turned out to be as fruitless as ever, however, as he'd turn to the spirits more and more as he grew up, the disgust and abandonment from his real family that ensued making little Lyrosa more dependent on his otherworldly friends to provide company and nurturing support.

fast forward to some years before adolescence and that never happened, and even the adults felt disturbed by his fascination with the dark and talking to it. they'd try punishing him in all kinds of ways to discipline the behavior out of him, but it only wound up damaging the once idolizing and affectionate view lyrosa innocently had as a needy child.... and pushing him to seek to the comfort of the spirits instead—until finally, his family gave up and focused their efforts on their more well off older children

despite the tense relations with the rest of his household, that didn't stop him from thriving though. he loved books and the spirits of souls that once occupied the manor before would take to raising him with more attention than his own parents did. and surely, as a result, lyrosa secretly excelled academically in all areas. nevertheless, this would all change one day when his father had enough with the disgrace of having one seemingly failed child and decided to make one last attempt to try and force lyrosa to get in line

locking the poor kid, who mind you was barely even a teenager yet still, in the cellar of the house with nothing... he believed that all this time, lyrosa was just a stubborn and spiteful child who chose to be the way he was—and this would finally teach him a lesson

but it didn't... and the one largest spirit whom was most fond of lyrosa was so outraged by this that for the first time, it was more than just a harmless haunting. the next day, lyrosa comes out and finds out that his father had ended his life—but not without there being disturbing claw marks and other signs presumed to be demonically related in the locked bedroom. never wishing such, the lil boy cried while the spirit believed it was deserved... and following after that, the house was quickly headed for a fate ending in destruction

not soon after, the news spreads and the wife of the deceased lord is accused of being a witch... thus, some nights later, lyrosa finds himself woken suddenly from a sleep in the middle of the night. when told to follow the spirit out of the house and through a back-end way, he waits outside until realizing the manor is burning. though unable to stop it, he's left watching in horror as it soon became engulfed by fire, having likely been the only one to leave before it was too late


Relationships; the ones most significant to him:

Grimveil Alvester | Adversary

[wip] The only individual Lyrosa will not excuse his French for.

✪ By holding his breath can he widen his Keeper eye located on his chest and reach into the black iris freely, and from there, he can pull his heart out along with a limitless chain hooked to it. The void within the eye and leading to his chest cavity would feel like sticking your hand into a cold dark space but neither reaching in nor handling his heart hurts him—and seemingly only he can perform this act.

  • As part unbleeder, his heart can become a grim scythe at will and upon removal of his heart, he will lose all concern and emotion until returning it back to his chest. In doing this however, he really only looks horrendously tired and dull, yet this appearance of lethargy is not to be mistaken as his gracefulness and dexterity with his weapon makes him into a formidable foe. Though for his other Yumi-Pop half, his weapon may be referred to as a Limb—capable of reaping souls.
  • His scythe is fondly referred to as "Shadow," and by feminine terms apparently. Additionally, the weapon is made from the same material as the cor encased by his insert (see base of left horn), a black ooze/goo of unknown origin yet it seems to be the form of a living supernatural entity. Should he command it, the scythe will manifest an even more ghoulish appearance.
  • His summon-able companion, known as a Yumi-Kin, is both a plushie sized and shaped crow he'll sometimes bring out for comfort. He won't be embarrassed if seen cradling it in his arms and hugging it when he's anixous or lonely, but make no mistake, this little friend of his is quite capable of moving around and talking. Its personality is like Lyrosa's, yet more openly curious and sweet; and should it ever be hurt, the damage will be shared by its owner.
  • Another fact about his Yumi-kin, Pipi: its sounds are like this and it has a very low, deep voice heard best here.
  • Among one of his abilities as a secretly prestigious Yumi-Pop at the Possessed power level, he may be able to cut open rifts to travel easily between places.
  • Of all my closed species characters, Lyrosa was the most costly. He has costed $35 + $25 worth in slots plus 15 art pieces to create.

What does he like?

  • Childish candies; things like lolipops, those little wrapped and twisted candies, and others you probably should resist at the store are all small sweets he enjoys more than he'll admit to you.

What does he dislike?

  • List here.

This profile is subject to change as I, the creator, am always learning more about my characters! ヾ(^∇^)