


6 years, 10 days ago



Name: Dwight

Masterlist: <3

Age: Adult

Pronouns: He/Him

Sprout: Beet

Personality: He's a tough, hard-working Arborling, but despite that, he's pretty lively and friendly.

Residence: A tree stump in the garden of his old friend's abandoned house

History:  Dwight's almost always on his feet does a lot of foraging for people to get by. He works for gardeners, farmers, wizards, witches, etc. Some of his only friends are actually his clients. His only true companion was an old woman who grew beets in her backyard. She was out picking some of her crops one day when she pulled a new little Arborling out of the ground by his leaves! She immediately apologized and set him down. The woman hadn't come into contact with an Arborling in years, so she was obviously excited. Despite having been rudely awoken to life, he greeted her and began to swiftly uproot beets and throw them into her basket. They quickly became good friends and teammates. A few days later, her grandchildren came over for the weekend and were able to see him as well, as they were fairly young and witch blood ran in their family. The grandson, around 5, became playmates with the young faerie within seconds, and the granddaughter, in her teens, was charmed by the creature and named him Dwight.

     Over the next several years, Dwight and the old woman worked side-by-side in the beet garden, planting, weeding, watering, and picking the vegetables and selling them at markets. In return for work, the woman offered him food and the warmth of her home. The Arborling eventually set up his home inside a tree stump in the middle of the garden. But alas, after over a decade of companionship, the woman was gone. Her family came around for a few days and cleared out her house. The grandchildren he once played with pretended he was invisible, and even when he tried to speak to them, they didn't respond. No one ever moved in and the house was never kept up.

     Dwight was heartbroken, as his only friend had abandoned him. His appearance changed from his wide-eyed, youthful look to a more gruff appearance. He had no idea why she left him to be all alone. His anger and sadness took over for a few months and he didn't keep up their precious beet garden. One day, as Dwight looked out of his window into the rainy overgrown garden, something clicked. Maybe she didn't want to leave him. Maybe she had no choice. He still had no idea why she was gone, but he expelled all of his negative emotions and sprang to work. He ripped up the weeds, neatened the rows, and checked up on each and every growing beet that was once neglected. He decided to keep on farming the old woman's beets in her memory.

     When the garden got too lonely and he couldn't survive off of beets for any longer, he began to venture deeper into the forest and look around for anyone new. Along the way, he found some cool new things and developed a love for foraging. He came across a few people who would need his help from time to time, so he established deals with them. He began using the abandoned house as storage for supplies and beets that wouldn't fit in the root-basement of his home. His group of clients increased over the years and he was living pretty well-off from that and his heirloom beet farm. 

Late one spring, Dwight decided to plant some little pumpkins and gourds in his garden for a change. His plan was to dry them to make containers and use them for baking, but what really happened was so much more than that. One day, as Dwight was tending to his garden, getting ready to harvest some crops, he heard rustling amongst the pumpkin vines. Out stumbled a little Arborling, looking bewildered and amazed by his surroundings. Dwight was stunned, frozen in place, as he locked eyes with the little Midveiler. After several moments, the little one piped up: "Dad?"

Still in shock, Dwight stumbled forward as the newborn Arborling ran to him, then fell to his knees as they embraced each other. Dwight told him his name was Caspian, after his old friend Ramona's grandson. He was instantly invited into Dwight's life, although Dwight had a hard time understanding the fact that he was a father. Dwight had planted the pumpkin that he had sprouted from, therefore creating him, which made his newfound fatherhood easier to understand. It seemed like a dream to him after being alone with just his pets and visits with his customers after so many years, but he was very happy to have someone under his wing.

~ Beets
~ Foraging
~ Digging/Uprooting things
~ Keeping busy
~ Finding new clients and friends
~ Reading & Writing
 ~ Too much free time/Not having things to do
~ Losing clients and friends
~ Winter (as his cherished beets don't grow well and he gets cold)
~ Being too lonely
~ His crops being harmed
~ Bears

Dialogue Samples:

"Would'ja mind helpin' me? I'm a tad backed up in the gard'n..."

"Thanks fer the help!"

"Ya need anythin'?"


Caspian (son/apprentice) - https://toyhou.se/5298512.caspian


Can be found as full tabs <<<

Stamps Earned: Submitted, Green Thumb, Teacher's Pet, Just Sprouted,