


5 years, 7 months ago



Name: Evangeline (or Eva/Evie)

Masterlist: <3

Age: Teen/Young Adult

Pronouns: She/Her

Origin Scrap: Deer Kigurumi

Personality: Evangeline is a soft and caring Thimblet who loves nature and everything living. She especially loves animals and plans to care for a lot of them,- pet-sized and not! Eva finds beauty in a lot of things, even those "not-so-beautiful." Speaking of beauty, she has a lovely voice and enjoys singing and dancing whenever she can. She tends to put a lot of emphasis on certain words in her sentences and overuses the word "beauty" and its variants. This is mainly due to her love for preserving nature and the want to spread her positive thoughts.

Residence: A tree hole in the Floreville Forest Preserve, where hikers often leave pretty things on and around the base of the tree for the "forest fairy" that lives within. There are a few levels to her home, and little mushroom-fan steps that spiral up the tree and to her home.

History: Evangeline was born from a little girl's deer kigurumi that had been left in the woods. The outfit was the child's favorite getup and she had often gone prancing into the forests nearby trying to find fellow deer. On this occasion, it had gotten pretty hot outside and the girl took off the kigurumi in preference of the shorts and tee shirt underneath. She hung the costume on a branch as she cooled off, but forgot about it and ran off upon hearing her mother call her name in the distance. 

Thus Evangeline was spawned. 

The little Thimblet awoke on the tree branch, yawning in a sing-songy way. Where was she? She hopped down and began walking around, noticing all of the beautiful things of nature that were new, yet so familiar at the same time. The birds, the chipmunks, the flowers... she loved everything she saw. After a while of wandering around, she saw what brought all of her memories back to her: a herd of deer. She was flooded with flashbacks of the girl and her costume, which when she looked down, was now her. A while later when she was done staring at the deer, she went and looked for a place to settle down. This was when she found her current home, already all carved out by some other being, and she finally settled down.

Eventually, she met Belladonna after her first wandering into the town (of course she was drawn to her home with all of the flowers and such) and after that, they both met Maybelle during a trip to the cafe next door with the Arborling's human friend, Jessica. Now the three Midveilers rule the town of Floreville!


~ Nature and life

~ Animals

~ Dancing and singing

~ Birdsong

~ Flowers


~ Pollution/Litter

~ Loud, unnatural noises (such as car horns, trains, "distasteful" music, etc.)

~ Sickness and death (terrified of dead things)

Dialogue Samples: 

"It's such a beautiful day!"

"Just listen to those canaries sing... such beauty!"

"Why spend all your time in the city when you can enjoy the ambiance and beauty of the forest?"


Belladonna (best friend {Floreville Four}) - https://toyhou.se/2251191.belladonna

Briar Rose (friend) - https://toyhou.se/3173794.briar-rose

Obion (friend) - https://toyhou.se/3478391.obion

Maybelle (best friend {Floreville Four}) - https://toyhou.se/4231371.maybelle

Estelle (best friend/part-time roommate {Floreville Four}) - https://toyhou.se/4884716.estelle


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