. ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Coinjam ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ .'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

DaylightJamboree Global Rules

Hey!! So I'm really lax with my designs + what they can be used for, here's some general terms tho!!

  • Before we start I want to clarify, I, under no circumstances, hold any power to revoke a design, unless you have not properly paid (in which case it is not yours to begin with). Even if you break my rules I will never revoke a character, I don't think it's moral and I have no interest in stealing an OC back, however if you break my rules I reserve the right blacklist/block without warning.
  • I HOLD OCS FOR AS LONG AS NEEDED BUT MUST BE UPDATED MONTHLY ON THE ART. I reserve the right to take any ocs off hold if I'm not updated for several months.

UHHH my only serious rule is that I ask for my designs to not be used in art that glorifies/promotes illegal/immoral content. This includes racist, homophobic, transphobic, pedophelic("cub"/Loli nsfw), zoophelic (feral nsfw), etc content. Do this and you'll be immediately blocked, no exceptions.

I do not work with homophobes, transphobes, racists, or "proshippers"ย (i think that's the term? idk the lingo, people who draw like pedo)

Other important things:

  • Commercial use of my designs is 100% allowed and even encouraged. Publish those stories, make that monay. Use my design as a mascot for your business, have fun and do what you're passionate about!!
  • Commercial use of my artwork itself is case to case, I'm usually fine with it (with credit) but just dm me if you ever wanna make like, a keychain out of something I drew for you.
  • IDRC if you scalp a design you buy from me, like I couldn't care less tbh. Sell them for however much you can get, good for you if you can get more!ย 
  • I allow resale of my designs you got for art/trade 100%. You did the work, right? So like go ahead and get the dough.
  • Other than crediting designs to my main acc (this one) don't feel the need to credit me everywhere else. Other credit is only really wanted from me for big projects (animated pilots/comics/books/etc), even that's optional though and would just be a nice gesture. Don't lie and say you designed it tho-
  • LEGAL NSFW of designs I've made is fine. I'm an adult and as long as you're an adult idrc. I will laugh at your fetishes in private though as im a very not sexual person and think sex is funny /lh
  • I reserve the right to use custom artwork/designs for promotional reasons (commission examples, posting on social media, etc) unless we discuss beforehand!
  • Redesigns of my designs are allowed %100 and you can literally make them look however after you own them.ย 
  • ALSO IF YOU MAKE A BIG PROJECT WITH AN OC I DESIGNED U SHOULD TOTALLY SHOW ME................................................................ just saying.
  • Do not use my art/adopts to train ai. AI sucks major balls
  • Split my designs, co own designs i made, IDC however I do not takeย responsibilityย if somethin' happens;ย I do not know enough about either to help


Even if you are blocked or blacklisted (which I do not often block people) you're welcome to dm me on my insta/DA to hash it out. I don't hold grudges and I don't like making enemies @ n @

But if we've had problems in the past and have not resolved them, I do expect some sort of decency and to be left alone by you if that makes sense? SOO yeah I'd prefer if you didn't seek a bunch of my designs if you hate me OTL even then though can't stop ya.


I block for my own comfort, tho not often! If you are blocked seemingly randomly it might be because:

- I associate you with an old friend group/period of time that makes me paranoid, nothing personally against you I just want to distance myself from bad memories and periods in my life.

- You've posted NSFW ychs, I tend to block people who post a ton of those bc I browse ychs frequently and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes ^^;

- You're a strictly fetish acc, which I do not really like to see while browsing!

Feel free to DM me for any confusion around designs/other things. I do not bite!! <3